
Well I finally decided on all the little stuff and ordered my neck from warmoth.

Strat Style Headstock
Schaller Locking Tuners
Rosewood neck w/ ebony board
Jumbo Frets
Full Scallop
1 5/8quot; nut
Side fret markers only
Boat back profile- I was having trouble deciding between the boat and the fatback. I have the fatback on my current neck, but sometimes it gets a little uncomfortable from my hand on the curve closest to the fretboard because of shape. I'm hoping the boat will correct this problem. The dephth was perfect the curve just quite wasn't.

I have some fretboard finishing oil from stewmac that I will hit the ebony with when I get it.

What should I do to take care of the rosewood? I am going to give it a light sanding when I get it. Think I should hit it with a coat of the fb oil also?


OH CRAP! I just relized! I was going to take the tuners off of my old neck and put them on the new one. But the old neck has a 3x3 set up and the new one has 6 inline! Will they still work? I relize 3 of them will be upside down but i can live with that. well i ordered the hole size for schaller but i have sperzells time to do some research.

well from the look of the website it looks like i will need to bore just a bit of the wood to get it to fit. it would probably be easier to just buy some new tuners... im dumb

back to my original question... assuming if i just shave off the last little bit to get my current sperzel tuners to fit if i turn 3 upside down will they all fit?

i probably should just spend the 50 bucks and buy some new ones... save me the hassle.

Psst... If you take the knob and collar off a Sperzel, you can slowly twist and pull the shaft out on the other side, and put it back together backwards

At least you used to be able to, if they haven´t changed the design to avoid that you should still be able to.

Originally Posted by ZerberusPsst... If you take the knob and collar off a Sperzel, you can slowly twist and pull the shaft out on the other side, and put it back together backwards

At least you used to be able to, if they haven´t changed the design to avoid that you should still be able to.


My current Warmoth-in-progress will have a 4x2 headstock, and I was hoping I wouldn't have to buy two sets of tuners or mount two of them upside-down to make it work.

Originally Posted by ZerberusPsst... If you take the knob and collar off a Sperzel, you can slowly twist and pull the shaft out on the other side, and put it back together backwards

At least you used to be able to, if they haven´t changed the design to avoid that you should still be able to.

i will deffinatly have to try that!

why part is the knob and the collar? did i mention they were locking tuners?

As far as taking care of the rosewood neck, I rub mine with some teak oil occassionally. Just make sure you give it a good 6-8 hours to soak in before playing.

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