My Birthday is in a few days and a friend of mine gave me an EBOW! Always wanted one of these to play with..... My buddy is a huge early Genesis fan and Steve Hackett used these Ebows on a few classic tunes.... also Bowies tune Heros and Nazareth's This Flight Tonights solo is an EBOW... Even the backing track to the Who's Who Are You has an EBOW.... the backing track to Who Are You is Pete holding an ebow on the low e string while his guitar is fed into his ARP Synth and a little Fender Princton.....
Model i got is an EBOW Plus.... anyone have any real experience with these? I know most big name modern players are using Fernandes Sustainers instead of EBOWS these days... Even Steve Hackett's current Les Pauls and Fernandes LP copies have Sustainers.. But the EBOW is the original and very cool toy.... any tips please share?
I have an Ebow plus. I don't use the added 8ve harmonic setting, tho.
I'm really basic with it. It's such a great tool, tho! Enjoy!!!
I have one - It's a whole lotta fun to mess around with. Enjoy!
I think it says this in the instructions, but use your neck pickup, and turn the tone way down. The Ebow is great, but it can be very piercing and shrill if you're not careful. Slide it up and down the string until you find the sweet spot.
Originally Posted by MikeRockerI think it says this in the instructions, but use your neck pickup, and turn the tone way down. The Ebow is great, but it can be very piercing and shrill if you're not careful. Slide it up and down the string until you find the sweet spot.
Ya i noticed that over the neck PU area it really causes the string to spin wildly! i will try it out for the solo to Nazareths This Flight Tonight later on....
Originally Posted by MikeRockerI think it says this in the instructions, but use your neck pickup, and turn the tone way down. The Ebow is great, but it can be very piercing and shrill if you're not careful. Slide it up and down the string until you find the sweet spot.
Add some sweet reverb, and multitap delays, and you're in space heaven.
LOVE my ebow!
i love mine! i have one from 76, and it rocks...with delays, it is amazing. btw, Heroes wasn't done with an ebow, it was feedback from a loud guitar, and tape placed on the floor to show where the different notes would feedback (directly from robert fripp, who played it). btw, fripp never used an ebow on anything- those long sustaining lines are all technique and a loud amp. he currently uses a Sustainer though.
do they only sustain one string at a time, or can you do chords?
Originally Posted by More-Gear-Than-Skilldo they only sustain one string at a time, or can you do chords?
One string at a time. They claim they lost the 6 string prototype.
They're great, aren't they? I've never had a problem using the bridge pickup with them, though. It does sound a bit different. One of the things that I've been doing on some of my demo's if I'm wanting to portray a really high gain sound is to record a track with just a single string sustaining a 5th, 6th or 7th over the chord structure (like a feedback tone), then during the solo if there's a held note, I fade in the quot;feedbackquot; track. Ted Nugent used to do the same thing except he would use feedback, just recording a track of this whiny noise all the way through the song. It just sounds like the amp is working its butt off.
Originally Posted by HellionThey're great, aren't they? I've never had a problem using the bridge pickup with them, though. It does sound a bit different. One of the things that I've been doing on some of my demo's if I'm wanting to portray a really high gain sound is to record a track with just a single string sustaining a 5th, 6th or 7th over the chord structure (like a feedback tone), then during the solo if there's a held note, I fade in the quot;feedbackquot; track. Ted Nugent used to do the same thing except he would use feedback, just recording a track of this whiny noise all the way through the song. It just sounds like the amp is working its butt off.
Ya i had heard of this.... like adding overtones in the mix..... Wonder if Boston's tune Long Time was done like that as each chord fades into controlled feedback....
Originally Posted by MikeRockerThey claim they lost the 6 string prototype.
that'd be sweet! ive got the ebow plus.... its pretty fun, but not very functional, cause you have to lower your volume, go to the neck pup, and turn the tone all the way down, or it doesnt sound right. that throws me off when im in the middle of something. you can do some cool arpeggio stuff if you glide it across the strings. my advice would be to listen to the tape that comes with it...
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Just got an EBOW