If you play at church with pickups, could you tell me which ones and on what guitar? I'm just curious. Thanks!
I've used Pearly Gates, Phat Cats, Custom Custom, ... pretty much anything.
hey, I use a fender mustang with a duckbucker in the neck and a hot stack in the bridge. We do have a bit of a rockin' band for a church. Using a little behringer amp, tubescreamer, compressor and tremolo.
I used to use a JB Jr. in a Epiphone strat.
I play mostly bass but when I do bring in the guitars, it's underwound (7.0k) Phat Cat in neck of LP and Custom 3 in bridge of ES-355. (The other two pu's are Jon Moores.)
God luvs Seths!
But Jesus loves Surfers
Yup, SSL-5's in my Fender HM Strat... The HM stands for Heavy Metal, that's what the Invader is for. I use the SSL-5's when I'm playin' at church!
Rock On ~!~
I use SPB-3's in my P bass! They sound great!
Vintage Soapbars in my Reverend Slingshot Custom
had a '59 in a paul and sg
Vintage Noiseless.
I use a my V clone with the JB...... i also use a strat...
I'm not sure what playing at church has to do with pup choice, but I don't play at church. My wife's church plays all kinds of contemporary christian music, though, and I would say most pups would find a place in there somewhere. ANyway Duncans have a RIGHTEOUS tone. A-men!!!!!! And I'm partial to Rev. Billy G's Pearly gates for the neck
yeah aced man i agree with u.....
Originally Posted by AcemanI'm not sure what playing at church has to do with pup choice, but I don't play at church. My wife's church plays all kinds of contemporary christian music, though, and I would say most pups would find a place in there somewhere. ANyway Duncans have a RIGHTEOUS tone. A-men!!!!!! And I'm partial to Rev. Billy G's Pearly gates for the neck
When you paly at church, your role is to lead people's attention to worship the Lord. Not drawing attention to your playing. It is not a gig nor a concert, and is not a palce for fancy and overpowering licks. I always refrain from using hot pickups in such situations.
agreeed to that as well... The reason i use the JB eqiped guitar is beause we have two keyboard players a base drums and fluteist too.. with all of that the guitar gets drowned.... Honsewtly..I keep toa conner so as not draw any attention... I wish I had a nother guitar whic want cath the eye like a V does. That the reason why I am planing to get one made
Played last night for our Saturday night youth service... I played my strat clone with a Hot Rail in the bridge and a Vintage Rail in the neck (DiMarzio HS2 in the mid)
When I am not playing my strat, I am playing my Washburn Idol with a JB in the bridge and a Jazz in the neck.
Another team is playing this Sunday morning - a very hot band - not sure what pups they are using in their strats - but they are indeed righteous.
I personally believe that the sound in church is as important (if not more so) than anywhere else. Why should the sound be compromised just because we are playing for an audience of One? Our sound guy demands the best sound from us and was the primary motivation for me to get the SD pickups in my Idol (he was complaining about my stock pups). He really likes my sound now.
And yeah, sometimes he asks us to turn down so he can achieve balance. But he's also asked me to turn up!
I used to use a Lightning Graphic Rhoads with a TB-6, a Tele with EMG 81/85 and the Jake E. Lee Sig I used to have with a DiMarzio Evolution.
Pretty rockin' for a Church band...
Originally Posted by AmateurWhen you paly at church, your role is to lead people's attention to worship the Lord. Not drawing attention to your playing. It is not a gig nor a concert, and is not a palce for fancy and overpowering licks. I always refrain from using hot pickups in such situations.
Why does using a hotter pickup mean that you have to use fancy and overpowering licks? There are people (on this forum, even) who play shred metal with '59s. Like most musical situations, I think a worship music situation requires balance. You need to stay sensitive to where things are going and really listen. Sometimes energy and enthusiasm are required. Sometimes sensitivity and restraint are also required. Both have their place, and I think a rock guitar tone can totally work as long as you work your dynamics properly.
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Play at church?