Enquiring minds want to know.
Also tell me what amp(s)that you use your beloved pedals with.....I'm wanting to tighten up a quot;nonquot; compressed tube amp that sounds great/full in a band mix but needs some extra giddy up for solos/shredding.....thanks
Modded reissue Ibanez TS808 Tube Screamer....Not only a great boost pedal,but I Love it's overdriven tones after the mods! Next would be the TS9.Basically the same pedal...
Boss GE-7 graphic EQ. Some people get them modded for lower noise, but I've never had any complaints with the stock model. Back in the day, I used it to kick up the input to my JCM800. These days, it's driving my DIY 18 Watter clone.
The graphic is nice because it lets you adjust the frequency response of your boosted tone. I set mine with a big hump in the mids, it makes my Tele sound like a HB.
I've been digging on a straight-up TS-9 Reissue lately. I totally expected to hate the pedal and it was a pleasant surprise when it really nailed a sound I'd been looking for.
Another would be the Digitech Bad Monkey. There's alot to like about those pedals.
I use an Ibanez TS-9 tube screamer through a Peavey Classic 50 4x10 when I need a slight boost for solos and it works great. I generally prefer using it when pushing an already overdriven tube amp rather than using it by itself through the clean channel. I keep the drive set pretty low at around 8:00-9:00 and adjust the tone and level to match as closely as possible to the sound I get when the effect is off. Generally, increasing the drive also increases the amount of compression, but I end up losing more of the amps natural overdrive.
I really like the SD Pickup Booster. I don't have one, but I've used Luke Duke's before and have heard him use his a lot. Very clean, very good sound - with any of his guitars or mine.
A lot of people like those tube screamers, too, though I've never played through one.
My own stuff..hehe
But I also like the Tone-locks from Ibanez, the TS-7 is cool in my book.
Have a modded Metalcharger that I also like.
DS-9 Ibanez, well I have always liked Ibenaz stuff, well except tubescreamers(ts-808 and ts-9),never really got into those
In the last few years I have narrowed down my OD pedals to just a few. Up until abou 5 years ago I used a Boss Super OD pedal. Very nice and smooth. It can be set to use as a clean boost if you want. Currently I am using a modded TS9 and a TS9 RI. Both of these pedals are excellent OD pedals. The modded TS9 tends to be better with single coils, and the Stock RI which does not have as much bottom is good with HB. I use both TS9 pedals in a Fender Super Reverb. The Boss Super OD I use in a Carvin X Amp. In my Marshal 900, I really do not need any OD at all, but I do have a Marshall Blues breaker pedal that I use to push it just a little when I feel I need it.
Pro Analog Dual Drive. Definitely.
Bad Bob Booster.
i personally can't wiat to get my FAT CAT solo boost from MRFJONES
we've kinda been working together on getting him into the pedal building business
more him working, and me asking for pedals
Anyone have any NON-tubescreamer variants that they like?
Originally Posted by FretFireAnyone have any NON-tubescreamer variants that they like?
Yes, my Brotech Fatpipe Pro distortion pedal!!
from : localhost/www.brotechelectronics.com/effbox/effboxinfo.htm
Mine are:
Boss DS-1
Duncan Pickup Booster
Originally Posted by LewguitarMine are:
Boss DS-1
Duncan Pickup Booster
1 on the Duncan Pup Booster, I love that badboy.
I think I'm gonna pick up a used DS-1 for $15 and see if I can get some sweet Unholy Metal riffage out of it, using it to boost the signal from my ProCo Rat.
I'll let ya know the results.
Rock On - Kac
ZW-44 Wylde Overdrive. Great pedal.
Originally Posted by FretFireAnyone have any NON-tubescreamer variants that they like?
Crowther hotcake
G2D Custom overdrive
G2D Classic overdrive.
Tubescreamer eaters every one of 'em. I tried a TS9 up against my classic od last weekend, and it wasn't even close in terms of tone.
Thanks guys . I'm looking for an OD that smooths out and sings when you turn up the gain, instead of getting gritty. I'm searching for some nice fusion tones to add to the blues/rock/metal sounds I'm getting from my amp.
For a clean boost, the RC Boost works best for me. For a mild overdrive, I'd have to go with the Tim. For medium to higher gain, the Fulltone OCD.
for a light overdrive in a clean amp or a boost I use my Lovetone Brown Source...and I LOVE IT!
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
So tell me what are your fave Overdrive/clean boost pedals