
I’m looking for a Floyd Rose style locking nut, but it must have the following:

TOP mounting screws, NOT the traditional thru the back of the neck screws

12” to 14” radius

1 11/16” width


I can’t seem to find one that matches the above description. If anyone knows of a dealer that would have this EXACT locking nut I would really appreciate it if you could point me in their direction.



and you won't find one lol. i just went through this ordeal myself. floyd only makes 2 nuts 10quot; and 15quot; the 15quot; are a PITA to find. however after e-mailing floyd rose direct the tech there said that a 10quot; nut will work perfectly on a 12quot; neck so i took his word and am going with that for my project. as for top mount, any floyd nut can be top mounted you just need to find small enough screws to use through the 2 holes that the threaded screws would normally go through and thread in the bottom. lucky for me i had a set of the screws from an old guitar but i'm sure you can find something small enough at the hardware store since afterall a wood screw is a wood screw. so, you basically need a black R4 nut and 2 small screws.


COOL!! Thank you VERY much for the information!!



R3 if you have binding

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