
Celestion G12-H30 Anniversary Series 16-ohm excellent condition - $85

Celestion G12-75T 16-ohm good condition - $70

1980s Rockman Power Soak original good condtion - $100

1980s Digitech DSP-128 Digital Delay excellent old-school guitar delay with chorus and flange good condition - $75

Symetrix 541 Quad Gate/Expander pro unit excellent condition - $125

Chrome Charvel branded Schaler Floyd Rose Lic Trem. A few of the holes in the baseplate are stripped. Usable, need to get the larger USA Floyd type lockdown screws and it should be fine. Otherwise good condition. With original chrome trem arm. As is - $30

Boss PSM-5 Power Supply / Effects Loop Pedal With daisy-chain and power supply good condtion - $50

Boss NS-2 Noise Supressor good condtion - $55

Fender Stratocaster Chrome Pickguard SSS OEM steel like new - $30 *SOLD*

Fender Lone Star Stratocaster Tortoise Shell Pickguard SSH OEM excellent condition - $25

All items plus shipping. PM or email to fsilano AT frankencat DOT com. Paypal is good. Possible trades for SD pickups, looking for a Jazz/JB or APII/PG set.

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