Hey guys, I need a slide that fits like a ring, so that I can wear it, and have full use of my hand, almost like a quot;will rayquot; slide. Any recomendations???
dunlop makes slides that open at both ends, than you can get different sizes of, that work very well for what you are discribing...
I like the ones they sell at Sam Ash that are the right diameter for your pinky, are red or blue glass, and have a closed end. I forgot what brand they are.
I've never gotten along with the ring types that are half the length of your finger, because you can't use your fingertip to push in on the slide for control, and they still feel awkward, when trying to fret with that pinky.
You should have no trouble finding what you want. I've seen them in a lot of catalogs. Try Stew-Mac also.
There is this Shubb Axys Guitar Slide and the Jetslide Nonsleeve Guitar Slide. They both have a ring that you can wear on your finger and you can turn to one side that has the sliding surface while the other side is open for your finger to play. Thay're both available from Musicians' Friends and they're both about $20 a piece.
- Jun 11 Thu 2009 20:52
In need of Slide!