I'm wiring up an Ibanez HSH S370DX.
I have everything laid out, but I am confused about one thing:
There's a wire that has a ring stud terminal at one end, screwed into the body underneath the middle pup. It runs to the main cavity, but I have no idea what it is or where to connect it.
The guitar is grounded at the tremolo, and that's a different wire.
Any suggestions?
**edit**: I can't find it anywhere on the ibanez site schematics.
Its a ground wire. There may be some shielding under the paint.
Okay thanks! I'll just wire it up with the trem ground
Do those actually do anything? I had some in my parker but ripped em out coz i didnt see how they could work.
- Jun 11 Thu 2009 20:52
random terminal