
Hi Guys just wodnering is the ds-1 a true by pass pedal or not? How about the dd-3, the ph-3 or the tu-2 tuner if that makes any sense, im so lsot as to which pedals are true by pass or not.

They aren't true bypass, but Boss pedals aren't the worst 'tone suckers' there are. They're pretty decent. If you want true bypass, you need to buy Fulltone quality or similar. $150

As far as I know NONE of the Boss pedals in the whole line are true-bypass.Most boutique pedals feature it. Most mass produceded pedals Do Not.

One good way to test for true bypass is to disconnect any power source to the pedal. If it lets signal through, it is true bypass. And yes... Boss aint true bypass. But ther buffer system is good.

Boss use a buffer system which is anti-pop.
True bypass pedals have an audible popping sound when they turn off. Boss pedals dont.

- At least, this is what I've been told.

In fact, while Boss pedals don't have true bypass, the buffer Grandor mentions helps boost signal loss due to large effects chains.

Originally Posted by KGMESSIERIn fact, while Boss pedals don't have true bypass, the buffer Grandor mentions helps boost signal loss due to large effects chains.

Ding Ding! That is the best answer to this question.

You can have all the true bypass pedals you want but you'll experience signal loss further down the chain. The BOSS bypass buffers, and Ibanez as well, are pretty much as good as they get when it comes to that style of bypass. You want at least one, maybe two buffered pedals in your chain. I have 3, plus an additional outboard buffer at the end. It helps keep my signal strong.

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