
What gauge strings do you think I should use. Advantages and disadvantages of heavy strings? I was thinking of using 0.11s but I'm not to sure, I've never taken much notice of what strings I buy, normally whatever they have at the shops, I've even mixed guages of strings before. Anyways please tell me everything you know...

Oh and I play standard tuneing. on the odd occasion drop D. But normaly just standard

Find a guage that feels right, change amp settings for ideal tone.

To me all strings sound and feel different. I use different strings on different guitars. For example, on guitars that are tuned lower than standard, they get a heavier gauge. Guitars with a trem use a different guage. Guitars that I want to sound quot;heavierquot; get thicker gauged nickel plated steel strings. Guitars that should have a mellower or classic tone, get a lite guage pure nickel strings. I keep a shoe box full of strings from Gibson, D'Addario; and GHS in different gauges. Experiment. There is no quot;rightquot; string, and like your tone, string preference is subjective.

thanks for the help guys

If you change string gages, you have to reset your intonation, so don't mix them up or change them just for the sake of changing.

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