I will buy a Marshall amp. I have a 15W, but I want to have a better one for use when jamming. Is a 30W (the Marshall MG30DFX) enough (considering drums) or do I have to get more (f.ex. Fender FM 65R) ?
Only my opinion, but I would stay far away from the MG series marshalls.
For the almost 300 bills you slap down for that, you could get a much better amp.
i.e. Line6, Roland, Kustom, Behringer, just to name a few. To narrow it down farther , Id need to know what style of music you'd be playing.
I cant comment on the fender, but my gut feeling tells me youd be better off with it than the marshall.
Go out and get yourself a Peavey Classic 30. Great overdrive tones bone stock and it only gets better from there. Try one out and you won't be dissapointed.
Oh, yea, more specific to the question. I'm not sure, it also would depend on music style and if you are going to mic into a pa.
I have a 30w kustom 10quot; speaker amp that gets pretty dang loud, though im not sure if i'd want to use it for that application.
If it were me, id look for something in a 2x12 if you want combo form.
Something like this falls in that price range.
from : localhost/www.music123.com/Behringer-V-...-i123490.music
I don't know what kind of music you play. If it is jazz, blues or rock and you are jamming in a garage, you can probably get by even with a drummer. If you are playing metallic or jamming in a large venue with the drummer, you may need more unless you intend to go through the PA. If you want to take it to a gig, you definitely need more, 30 watts or less is not recommended for gigging
I play music like RHCP, Incubus, Metallica, etc...
Check out the Laney TF or TFX-series.. Those SEEM promising.. And cheap.
if i were you, i'd go for something around 50 watts. 30 watts will easily be enough juice to jam with, but often you get stuck with crappy preamps. My marshall (mg215) has 30 watts and will get loud but it sounds horrible when cranked. Hope this helps.
A valve amp of 30 watts will certainly do you for jamming with a drummer; solid state might struggle. You'd need more for gigs, tho.
Vox AD50VT, Loud as you need it to be, but you can use the attenuaitor to turn down the wattage for playing late at night.
And it has great amp models for anything, its tone is far superior to the roland, and the AD50VT is about $350.
Peavey Classic 30 is fine for jamming and gigs unless you are doing metal, in which case you need a pedal (I dunno wot-ask the metalheds) and if you do loud gigs go through the PA with a direct box (behringer is cheap and cheerful if a tad bright).
I'm thinking on having an amp with footswitch, where I can switch from clean to a bit more distortion, and use a Boss SD-1 if I need more dist/sustain...
(Thanks for the input, more are welcomed )
Marshall dsl 401?
A little expensive... I want something to max 400$... What about a Kustom Quad 100DFX 212 Combo
I don't know your price range but the Peavey Classic 30 or a VHT 30 Limited Edition with a Fulltone Full Drive II would be a pretty killer little rig.
My favorite 50 watt combo is without question the Engl Screamer 50. Tons of gain, good for Jazz up through Slayer and Slip Knot.
Originally Posted by JimbojsrMarshall dsl 401?
The problrm id thst the dsl 401 is about 3 times the price of an MG 30W Combo
If you are going solid state, I'd definately recommend you 50W or 100W if you are going to gig around... I have some experience with those SS amps and my 65W 1x12 combo sometimes seems to be almost to weak for hard rock stuff when jamming together with a drummer... If you are going zube though, I think a 30W could be enough... but I don't own a tubeamp yet so I can only say what others have said before...
Originally Posted by itbepopplesGo out and get yourself a Peavey Classic 30. Great overdrive tones bone stock and it only gets better from there. Try one out and you won't be dissapointed.
I was thinking the same thing! These little Classic 30's can be a lot of fun..... Not a metal amp at all but nice for a classic sound.... I love the clean channel and i use it a lot to push various OD and Distortion pedals as well as use the amps overdrive channel... Push it is loud as hell when you need it... Best used amp i have bought yet for such little cash! In Canadian money i got the combo plus the matching ext cab for $500.... That was cheap when the new Classic 30's are around $760 Canadian at the lowest for just the combo.... the ext cab is another $400 i think.....WhoFan
Thanks all for the input. (I've looked at a Kustom Quad100DFX, may be bought used for a good price where I live.)
- Jun 11 Thu 2009 20:52
30W or more for jamming?