
What do you guys like for my Classic Rock needs? The Seth or the PG in the bridge? It's going to mate with a 59 in the neck and I much prefer an A2 bridge pickup...

I seem to remember the PG being a bit toppy in my guitar,but I can't say I remember disliking it either? We're talking Bad Company,Led Zeppelin,Cream,Free,etc...

Thanks guys

My vote would be for the Seth.

I think a 59 would step all over a Seth. A5 versus A2 is just one consideration.

i'd go with a set of seths.

I'm starting to realize most of the pickups suggested for a LP sound pretty darn good.
I think you'd dig a CC/59 combo too. Since you use both tube and modeling amps, I know firsthand that combo sounds sweet with both. It's fat enough to put some warmth in a modeling amp.

Originally Posted by GearjoneserI'm starting to realize most of the pickups suggested for a LP sound pretty darn good.
I think you'd dig a CC/59 combo too. Since you use both tube and modeling amps, I know firsthand that combo sounds sweet with both. It's fat enough to put some warmth in a modeling amp.

I tryed the CC and didn't like it...It wasn't articulate enough and it was a bit dark..I'm currently using an A2 Hybrid 59/Custom bobbins and I feel I really want something more vintage now and in the 8k ranges...I may also try swapping out the A2 for A5 first because I'd like more jangle...

This is why I was leaning towards the Seth or the PG,though a 59 bridge might work also?

I have a feeling that a 59 in the neck would over power in some way both a Seth bridge and a PG bridge...but I could be wrong. Why not a PG set...the Seths are cool, but I really dig the aggreassive quality that a PG's still vintage PAF, but it has an attitude problem! If not that then maybe just a simple set of 59's would be good!

Is the Guitar in question bright on it's own or is it kinda of thick and warm unplugged?

One more thing...what kind of stop bar are you using on the guitar right now?

Hey Bro.

Tell me how much uppermids would you need? How much of eq separation and clarity are you looking for on that particular LP of yours?

The good thing about PG's is that they are a2 but still have them uppermids which would help you to get nasty if needed. I'd use a 0.015 or better yet 0.022 orange drop. Would adjust the tone for 6-7, and turn it full on if needed.

You know I did not keep my seths for long. They were measuring quite low, but were very clear. I'd say go for a set of ants and the magnet mod, because then you'd get higher K values and the same magic of seths.


I'm a big fan of Seth's. PG's would be too bright for my tastes. The Seth is great for Classic Rock or Blues, etc.....

Originally Posted by Scott_FI think a 59 would step all over a Seth. A5 versus A2 is just one consideration.

i'd go with a set of seths.

Hey John! Just got back from a whilwind tour of homes in Moab, Flagstaff and Taos. I'm moving to Taos!

I agree with Scott, at least in theory. The 59N has alot of bass when used as a neck pickup and might tend to overpower a PG used in the bridge position. I said quot;mightquot;...I haven't actually tried it.

But I do have a PG neck and 59TB bridge pickup set in my Strat: that combo sounds fine.

But I'm not sure I'd like it if I reversed them and put a 59 in the neck and a PG in the bridge.

PM me....


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