How do they sound??
In my dreams:
from : localhost/hunter:
from : localhost/
Sounding good. Go to this site:
from : localhost/download backing tracks to both of those, and it will sound about 100 times killer.
Not bad!! Sounded a bit tentative. Needs more bite if you're gonna try to nail the Lynch tone more closely. Gotta speed em up a bit and play a bit more in time, too.
Keep going! You're almost there!!!
Sounds pretty good, but you definitley need to speed up the timing.
I agree with all the above....but hey your better than I how can I complain...
Thanks for the comments, you guys are absolutely right. I'm not very good with timing I'm gonna dl some backing tracks and use them and maybe try to re-record
- Jun 11 Thu 2009 20:52
In my dreams and The hunter sample clips