
I was just wondering, is an Original Floyd Rose a big enough of an improvement on a Licensed Floyd to justtify spending the $170 or so? I've heard that the licensed ones (like on my Jackson) are made with inferior parts and such..

In my opinion, the OFR's are great units. No doubt about it!!! I replaced the Jackson trem on my SL-4 with an OFR and noticed a positive difference. Are they worth the $170? In my opinion, I am not sure. I installed it because I had one laying around. You can buy a used one and go that route. I took mine apart and cleaned it up so it almost looks new. I would recomend doing that myself. If you can pickup a used one for a good price, I would say go for it.

It really is. The stability and ruggedness of the unit alone is well worth the price. Great control as well.

is there a problem with your licensed floyd bridge? If not, why mess with something that is not broken.

Originally Posted by Bonesis there a problem with your licensed floyd bridge? If not, why mess with something that is not broken.

It's about as stable as Charles Manson... if I breath on it, look at it, or picture it in my mind my guitar goes out of tune...

Originally Posted by Boneswhy mess with something that is not broken.

It's that same mentality that will keep people from swapping their stock pickups with Duncans. The stock ones work, don't they?

Well, two different philosophies - that's all.

My OFR is as solid as the rock of Gibraltar. I couldn't imagine playign without one now. Nothing else even comes close to measuring up.

The only Licensed model that come even close to an OFR is the Schaller unit and especially the original Edge from Ibanez.

My $0.02.


I have tried the original Floyd Rose, the Jackson licenced, Ibanez Edge / Edge II, but I ended up with the Schaller unit. In my opinion it's the best. The tone of my guitar changed to the better with this mounted. But as allways, try for yourself!

i have changed the licensed ones on my import B.C Riches for the OFR and it's really a lot better. I got them for 100 a piece on ebay(new and not used) and it's well worth it.

Originally Posted by pinto79The only Licensed model that come even close to an OFR is the Schaller unit and especially the original Edge from Ibanez.

My $0.02.


The Kahler Steeler was excellent as well. Hopefully now that Kahler is back up and running, they will offer the Steeler again.

As for the Schaller FR II . I've always felt the base was too soft. Mine stripped out on me on two guitars. It was where the saddle lockdown screws screw into the base.
I've never had this problem with my OFRs or Steelers.

My Steeler equipped Carvin

With most Licensed trems the problem is with the knife edges. They tend to dull much quicker than an OFR. OFR base is a much stronger hardened steel (Steeler is the same way), and takes much longer to wear. Those TRS and JT trems are of a less hardened steel.
Ibanez newer Edge trems have a replacable knife edge. So, instead of having to replace the whole base, you just replace the knife edge when it becomes dull and tuning is unstable.


Originally Posted by zippyIt's about as stable as Charles Manson... if I breath on it, look at it, or picture it in my mind my guitar goes out of tune...

ROFL!!!! this just cracked me up

i say go for it. if it's THAT bad, you'll get a big improvement in stability and you'll get an improvement in sound too

Originally Posted by zippyIt's about as stable as Charles Manson... if I breath on it, look at it, or picture it in my mind my guitar goes out of tune...

That's what happened with the Lo-TRSII peice-of-shi... i mean quot;trem unitquot; on my Ibanez Jem 555. Damn thing NEVER stayed in tune! Required maybe 1 hour of maintenance for every 1/2 hour of playing. After this a good OFR was an absolute godsend.

Like what everybody else said, you will notice a big difference. In my mind, though, the best trem is Ibanez's new ZR. If only they could make a low-profile version like they have with the Edge Lo-Pro.

Originally Posted by khermanThe Kahler Steeler was excellent as well. Hopefully now that Kahler is back up and running, they will offer the Steeler again.

While the Steeler is a great unit, it´s pretty sure that it will NOT be offered again, as the Steeler is also the bridge that they got sued for (what originally put the company out of business)

I find that string tuning is more a function of environment that anything else. My licensed stays in tune just fine, and I like it fine also. If you're axe is exposed to constantly changing temperature and humidity it cannot help but go out of tune all the time. Your trems probably don't do much for compensating for your guitar expanding and contracting due to temp and humidity. When you break it down to basics, your guitar is founded on the phsycial principles of compression and tension, and material behavior of wood and steel. Mother Nature will have her way with each in their own time.

Keep your axe in a well-controlled environment, and you might be alright. If that doesn't work, try the new trem.

Just my opinion.

Originally Posted by zippyI was just wondering, is an Original Floyd Rose a big enough of an improvement on a Licensed Floyd to justify spending the $170 or so?


Originally Posted by ZerberusWhile the Steeler is a great unit, it´s pretty sure that it will NOT be offered again, as the Steeler is also the bridge that they got sued for (what originally put the company out of business)

from : localhost/new website. Click the HERE. It does show the Steeler. Your right it will be discontinued once stock runs out. Though replacement parts will be available.

Do it.

I had a nice guitar (Fernandes Vortex Elite). Killer Axe, Duncan-loaded, neck-thru. Well made, etc. For some reason the manufacturer used Licensed trems on even their most high-end guitars though! My frustration with that tremolo made me trade that guitar ($1100 list) in on a guitar that listed at $750. I never looked back, as the cheaper guitar stayed in tune, and that means a lot.

My Jackson Kelly with an Original Floyd Rose stays in tune very well, wammys smoothly, etc. It makes me reconsider my previous hate for trems. Just beautiful.

checking out the khaler type tremolo is impressive, but i`ll never change the OFR its the real mccoy...
anyways there are some licensed trems that offer that same stability and tunningness that we all need...
cheers, i`ll say change it !!!

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