I Know most of us adjust our pickups by ear(I do also) and not solely by measurements,but......If you guys were to actually measure your bridge humbucker heights would the height be 1/16quot; away from the strings or higher?
I guess I'm kinda torn with the correct bridge pickup height on my Les Paul...Gibson calls for 1/16quot; both sides and 3/32quot; both sides for the neck...I do have the neck adjusted to these measurements and then fine tuned by ear...Also,the A4 59N pickup is great now and I now see no need to replace it as the lowend woof is taken care of.
My bridge pickup seems about right at 3/32quot; but at 1/16quot; it's almost like the pickup is too up front or too present,but I wonder what I Lose by keeping the bridge pickup down a bit also? At 1/16quot; both sides my A2 59B is slightly more upfront compared to the A4 59N...
I'm asking basically where all of you have your bridge pickup heights set at and your reasons....These measurements would be with both E strings depressed at the highest frets and measured from string's bottom to the top of the bobbin screws on a covered fullsized humbucker...Thanks guys!
I like the neck pickup on my Lester and Hamer to be almost flush with the mounting rings. My bridge buckers are pretty high, almost touching the strings on my LP, in fact. I do this because I like a clean, clear neck tone and a hot driving bridge sound.
No Idea, my ears adjust pickups, not my eyes, but generally they end up WELL under 3/32 measured your way
Originally Posted by ZerberusNo Idea, my ears adjust pickups, not my eyes, but generally they end up WELL under 3/32 measured your way
Thanks guys...
Zerb...Are you saying that you end up with the pickup actually closer to the strings then?
For the most part I start with 3/32quot;, but is can vary depending upon the guitar/pup combination. I'm an habitual tinkerer, so I don't leave things to same for too long.
Hi John - Heritage 535 poles are fairly consistent @ 3/32quot; both for neck amp; bridge. I know that this is after tinkering with them and am a little surprised at the consistency to tell the truth.
Fat Strat w/ Custom 5 is a different story! 1/8quot; on treble side going up to 3/16quot; on the bass side. That's after a couple of years and the result of listening. I'm pretty sure it was to get better output balance between the split humbucker and the single coils (SSL-2 flats, IIRC, may be an APS flat in the neck).
Hope this helps.
Originally Posted by ZerberusNo Idea, my ears adjust pickups, not my eyes, but generally they end up WELL under 3/32 measured your way
When I hold the strings down at the highest fret my Custom Custom is about 1/16quot; away on the treble side and about 3/32quot; away on the bass side on both my Monoco and my Strat. I like the Custom Custom pretty close to the strings...gives it a little more treble response. Really, I set the treble side as close as I can get it without the string buzzing against the polepiece. Lew
I set it by ear. I'm opposite of Lew with the CC too. I like some space in there to let the strings really ring out. My Little 59 is pretty close but not overly close. Enough to have some bite, although it is hotter than the stock pickups.
You guys all know I'm a strat guy first and I like my single coils down lower.A humbucker is a different animal though and because the magnet is further away from the strings I know we can get the pickup closer to the strings....
Is it me,or do I feel like the tone of the pickup(s) is slightly warmer,less toppy,and less out front when adjusted lower?
Seems like around 3/32quot; across is where I'm favoring and I actually find I Like the high E side actually a bit lower than the low E after my fine tunings...The 1st,2nd,and 3rd strings really have alot of jangle..
I set them them to factory specs and then tweek. Depends on the guitar which way I go. On my pauls, I almost always drop the neck pup a little on the bass side. I will say, however, that I think farther USUALLY (NOT ALWAYS!!!) has a better tone - particularly as the pups get hotter. Also, small changes can make a big difference. I agree with Lews CC recs (CC rocks!)
Originally Posted by STRATDELUXER97Is it me,or do I feel like the tone of the pickup(s) is slightly warmer,less toppy,and less out front when adjusted lower?
It's not just you. I notice that too regardless of whether it's a humbucker or single coil. That's why I like the CC to sit low. It just sounds sweeter to me that way. The Little 59 could be lowered some. It's a wee bit bright right now. But in all, I like humbuckers to sit a little lower because of that warmness.
Since I beat on my strings I guess I just get the pickup as close as I can withought the strings hitting it It looks like about 3/16quot;
Originally Posted by StevoSince I beat on my strings I guess I just get the pickup as close as I can withought the strings hitting it It looks like about 3/16quot;
I was jammin to some Allman Brothers stuff today and I've decided I Like my bridge humbucker at about 3/32quot; on both E strings....Any closer and the pickup is too toppy and too up front....Lower,the pickup is a bit warmer and not as present and direct...
I reckon 1/16 would be too close, you'd be getting mag weighting at that range. I personally wouldn't have them closer than 1/8, but that's just my opinion..
I almost posted about this last week.I had adjusted by ear and for years both of my guitars were at about 1/4quot; at the bridge.Then I read the SD suggested starting point of 3/32quot; and tried it.It sounded great at my desk through my GNX too.Coincidentally I used an attenuator for the first time that week at jam practice.I thought it all sounded muddier and too compressed so after a few weeks I ditched the attenuator.It still soundeda little loose and muddier than before and my first though was the tubes were spent after having the amp cranked for a few jams.I retubed and it still seemed the same,so then I lowered the pups a little bit and the clarity and bite came back.This seems to be the opposite of the results being discussed here and what I originally expected. never went as high as 1/16th though,will that really give me more bite or just to much output?
- Jun 11 Thu 2009 20:52
Bridge Humbucker Heights