Will a normal Tele pickguard fit on that body without modification or does SX alter the dimensions/shape slightly from the real thing?
the pickguard will fit, but if I remember right the holes are in different parts of the pickguard. Usually off by only a half inch or so. Just buy a pickguard from GC or somewhere, and see if it'll work. If it dont, you can sell it on ebay, use it anyway, or do what I did, and make a bunch of wooden pickguards.
As long as the shape fits the body, I've got no problem drilling new holes. Thanks.
Wow, you guys get the SX range too?!! I put a fender plate on my samic tele and it fit perfect, but i needed new holes in the wood
Dont worry bro, the shape will fit the body.
Shape is perfect, holes slightly misaligned... nothing a firm screwdriver won't take care of.
- Jun 11 Thu 2009 20:52
To anyone who owns an SX Tele