I am about to purchase a Humbucker. I play alot of loud punk and rock music. I have narrowed my choices down to The Distortion and The Invader. My main concern is that a high-output pickup, wont stay clean on a clean channel. Are these going to have these problems? Also, I need it to be able to over power a Hot Rails and/or Vintage Rails. I have an HSS strat. Also, on the websites descriptions, it says the SH-6 Distortion is great for drop tunings, something I do alot. Please help me with this desicion.
hey man, the distortion is a great selection, its not bad clean, but it could be cleaner,.....i got a older kramer barretta, with only one humbucker at the bridge, wut i did was i installed a push-pull pot so i can split the coil and get cleaner sounds in the single coil.
Have you considered lower output pickups cause they can stay clean easily. For the type of music your going to play I like letting my amp to do most of work. Cause low-output pickups are usually more sensitive on how hard you hit strings and could clearer with lots of distortion.
I was considering the Jazz or JB model for a while. But I have Hot and Vintage Rails for clean tones. If im gonna use my humbucker alot, i want that thing to scream. I am also getting my Vintage Rails raised. but anyway, back to the point. I am going to stick with the Distorion, either or. But the other thing is how hard is it to install a push-pull pot?
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Please HELP!!!!!