
do the i guess quot; caivty plates / covers quot; ( things that cover the electronics and tremolo on the back of the guitar ) come with the warmoth guitars ? i looked around on their site but didnt really see anything ? if they dont where would i get something like this ?

Originally Posted by AStarUpInTheSkydo the i guess quot; caivty plates / covers quot; ( things that cover the electronics and tremolo on the back of the guitar ) come with the warmoth guitars ? i looked around on their site but didnt really see anything ? if they dont where would i get something like this ?

Come with it? Sorry my friend, sold separately, batteries not included:
from : localhost/

ehm im not talking about pickguards im talking about the covers on the BACK of the guitar ? ( ususaly black.. ) um..would cover the springs on the tremolo and the back of the potentiometers and switches and such ?


i see the spot where the tremolo covers are..what about for the electronic cavities ( in rear routed guitars ) ? and would METAL be okay to use for these? or is plastic best ?

Third from bottom of the list on the right. Or: from : localhost/looks like they provide the cover plate for the control cavity with the body.

the control cavity covers i'm pretty sure come with the body (in black) but the trem cavity covers do not.


Originally Posted by XSSIVEthe control cavity covers i'm pretty sure come with the body (in black) but the trem cavity covers do not.


You've got it exactly right.

does anyone know the material these are made out of ? would one material be better than another ? and while we're on the topic of covering the electronics.... i heard a while ago ( dont remember where ) about a shielding that you could quot; spray on quot; like out of a can .. does anyone know where i could get this ? or does the copper stuff they sell work fine ? is there something better to use ?

Metal would shield control cavities if connected to ground, which would reduce hum. lt;-- this works for the Pickguard or backplate if your control cavities are at the back... For the cavities intern (the wood) you could use conductive laquer (I think it's called like this) which is about half or even less of the spray's price and does the same.

id like to use metal over plastic if i can to add some weight to the body ( its a V type ) the body it self weighs like 3 lbs 7 sure with the trem and electroincs and such it will have enough weight on its own to stay at kind of an a bit over paranoid that its going to lay flat though. id like the V as light as i can get it without it laying flat. so metal on those parts just came to mind. do you know if a place i can purchase metal guards for the electronics / trem cavities ?

does anyone know the material these are made out of ? would one material be better than another

Warmoth uses the black matte .090 material from which to cut our rear rout cavity covers from. I always sheild my control cavities using the copper sheilding tape and then top it off with covering the inside of that cover too. It works great and I never get a hum.

BTW- you can order them in any color that our pickguards come in for about the same price as a Trem cover.


thanks alot stirt im ordering a bunch of stuff from warmoth pretty soon is there somewhere special i need to go to get a cavity cover on your site ?

is there somewhere special i need to go to get a cavity cover on your site ?

Actually, since our rear covers only fit Warmoth guitar bodies, we don't have a section on the website for them. When you place your order, just ask the sales guy about it and he'll hook you up. Thanks.


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