
from : localhost/I was all set to record with a decent my buddy's shure sm-57, had all the 'right' connections and adaptors and what not..and was ready to go..friggin' thing wouldn't work..from what I've been told on here I need a mic pre amp..something to do with impedance and voltage...hey, what do I know, right?

anyway, not to be deterred, I resorted to using one of those ****ty pc voice know the ones I'm talkin' about..the kind that come bundled in the box with your new PC..

anywho, it's not the best situation (especially since I was just using sound recorder to record...can't ya tell that I'm not set up for anything other than direct recording with my old vetta? lol), but ya kinda get the idea of what this thing sounds like...

I experimented with several mic placements...none of them sound 'great' but that's cause of the **** ass mic I'm using...

anywho, the ones labled with the '2' have the same placemtns...the one with the '3' in the name has a different placement...I like the 2's better, I think..who knows though...of course, I kicked the cord by accident, so BAM...will have to start from scratch =)

anywho, lemme know what ya think..

oh, this is usin' my lynch model..with dead strings =)

Man, that one on top doesn't sound bad at all! I actually kind of liked it. Good playing, and the amp sounds like it beats the hell out of the SS B-52's.

thanks =)

yeah, this amp rips pretty sounding tube amp I've had (IMO) and I've had ALOT...triple recto, peavy 5150, tri axis, simul class 2 90..etc, etc...could never get a good sound commin' outta the speakers....but this amp sounds great...guitar world editor's choice ya know and for the price? can't beat it...

wow..not many they suck that bad? =-D

Sounds pretty good...similar to a Peavey XXX to my ears..lotsa highs/bite.

BTW..what the hell is that riff? it sounds super familiar but I can't friggin place it.

thanks =) can't wait to get a real damn mic on I finally solved some problems that I was having with Kristal..great program..especially for the price =)

which riff is it that you're mentioning? which clip? and I'll be able to tell ya..

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