Ok, I need another guitar like I need a hole in my head, but there is a new pup Im getting to try and so, I NEED a guitar to put it in..'
Im considering:A Micheal Kelley Patriot QAgile LP
Epi LP CustomKramer 404 s/d
The Patriot is a darn nice axe at a great price. But I havent heard as much about those as the others. Ive recently played Epi LP Customs and they are really impressive. (it would be a reach price wise tho..)
I want one of the Kramers cuz I had a Kramer pointy years ago and would like to have the neck thru .
The Agiles I want most are a bit pricey.
Realistically, I should not go with the EPI or the Top Agile (599 or 499) models, But if they are worlds better than the other choices Ill try to work it out.. What say you??
wow, you know it's bad when you buy guitars for pickups, and not vice-versa...*shakes head*
I have an Agile AL-3000 and I love it, they are like $350 i think. Its deffinatly going above and beyond the call of duty till i get a gibby
I dig the hell out of my agile 2500 goldtop, but it is the low end model and you said you were looking at the pricey ones.
from : localhost/cookies.berkeley.edu/images/agile1.jpg
from : localhost/cookies.berkeley.edu/images/agile3.jpg
I like Epi's, so you know what I'm gonna say...
...since you're gonna add new pups anyways, it'll be a great guitar...
Stupid question, but if I were to get an EPi LP Custom, it should yield the typical LP tone correct? There is often debate on this.. My personal observation is that as of late, Gibby quality has been unimpressive and it seems the Epi customs have improved. Years ago, I played an EPI LP Custom back to back witha Gibby Custom and tonally could get no difference. The only differences I noticed was some noticable filler around the inlays on the epi and the $2000 difference on the price tag. That michael Kelly is sure tempting tho
I have played all of those brands and I would say that Michael Kelly is the best one followed by the Agile. A friend of mine has a michael kelly Hollowbody that I would put up above a high dollar gibson in terms of quality, craftsmanship, and also tone. The epiphones are good but, I think the Michael Kelly is alot better. I think you will be really happy with the Michael Kelly.
Originally Posted by BloodRoseStupid question, but if I were to get an EPi LP Custom, it should yield the typical LP tone correct? There is often debate on this.. My personal observation is that as of late, Gibby quality has been unimpressive and it seems the Epi customs have improved. Years ago, I played an EPI LP Custom back to back witha Gibby Custom and tonally could get no difference. The only differences I noticed was some noticable filler around the inlays on the epi and the $2000 difference on the price tag. That michael Kelly is sure tempting tho
I have played my friends '76 Gibson LP classic side by side with my Epi LP. I could not hear a difference. My buddy could not hear a difference and he's been playing that guitar for 25 years. My Epi actually sounded better (hotter), but that was probably due to the duncans I put in it. Tone wise, I would challange anyone to be able to hear a difference.
...And I'm not just saying that to stick up for my Epi's.
The hammer or the AGILE
Spent some time with the Patriot Q again today.. What a nice axe.. from : localhost/ Played it back to back with an epi LP standard. Kelly was better and cheaper. The store didnt have any EPI LP Customs tho.Also played a Gibby LP studio. The build seemed nicer on the Q but the studio had a bigger, more ballsy sound.. Better pickups.. Im wondering if that alone is worth the $900 cost difference? I can swap pups on the Q and still be under half the cost of the studio..
Originally Posted by CapoFirstFretwow, you know it's bad when you buy guitars for pickups, and not vice-versa...*shakes head*
Originally Posted by BloodRoseSpent some time with the Patriot Q again today.. What a nice axe.. from : localhost/ Played it back to back with an epi LP standard. Kelly was better and cheaper. The store didnt have any EPI LP Customs tho.Also played a Gibby LP studio. The build seemed nicer on the Q but the studio had a bigger, more ballsy sound.. Better pickups.. Im wondering if that alone is worth the $900 cost difference? I can swap pups on the Q and still be under half the cost of the studio..
Like I said, They are sweet guitars!!! I would just buy two buckers for it and be done with it.
Thanks Theodie! Yeah, I have a bridge pup on order. Im waiting for my dealer to get the shipment in. He is getting a natural, a new lava red. Also am torn between the Patriot Shadow. (All Black one) Yest I played a Epi Standard, LP Studio and the patriot Q and The Q is the only one that impressed me. Solid sounding and seems well made. And tone pros bridge and tailpiece. I guess the only choice now is color.. ; )
- Feb 15 Tue 2011 21:03
What to buy?