
I have this idea

Get a Epiphone Joe Perry Boneyard ( since a gibson will be abit much) and put 2 Slash Custome Alnico 2's in her. What do you guys think? I'm thinking it will give it that Slash tone, that even Slash might want!!! Since he always has had a boner for Joe Perry.

Originally Posted by viewaskew2k5Since he always has had a boner for Joe Perry.


I've actually thought of getting one of those....used...amp; hooking it up; never thought of quot;Slashingquot; it though. Sounds good to me

I wouldn't know whether it changes much for the sound, i had some guys complaining that for Epiphon guitars, whether they were to change the pickups to something else, there is only a slight different, negligeble tone from the stock. well ..

Originally Posted by DesertRoseI wouldn't know whether it changes much for the sound, i had some guys complaining that for Epiphon guitars, whether they were to change the pickups to something else, there is only a slight different, negligeble tone from the stock. well ..

You're kidding right? Changing stock Epi pickups to Duncans in mine is like night and day. Now, I do like the Epi pickups nowadays. They aren't bad for what they are and are really warm sounding. But toss in a good set of Duncans and the tone is different.


I had a Epi LP Custom that sounded good stock, but once I change the electronics amp; thru in some Pearly Gates, it was a rock-n-roll machine!

Stock, they're liveable....but a change is a must eventually.

Having a slash with a boner is usually troublesome in my experience.

Originally Posted by ErikHYou're kidding right? Changing stock Epi pickups to Duncans in mine is like night and day. Now, I do like the Epi pickups nowadays. They aren't bad for what they are and are really warm sounding. But toss in a good set of Duncans and the tone is different.

Got these from some people who changed them. Just said that the sound became sharper thats all.
Anyway I don't own an Epiphone, so I guess its my bad.

Originally Posted by DesertRoseGot these from some people who changed them. Just said that the sound became sharper thats all.
Anyway I don't own an Epiphone, so I guess its my bad.

It could depend on what they're changed to. I have a CC and Jazz(n) in mine. Like any guitar, not all pickups will be right for it. Some will make it sound wonderful, some will make it sound horrible, some will do what you say they said, make it sharper. It's a matter of taste really and what is chosen.

Ah ... hmm , they changed from stock Epiphone pickups to Gibson stock burstbuckers I think. The ones from the LP standards

Originally Posted by DesertRoseAh ... hmm , they changed from stock Epiphone pickups to Gibson stock burstbuckers I think. The ones from the LP standards

Ahh, I see. That makes perfect sense then since the Epi pickups are based off their Gibson counterparts.

I'm sorry....I thought you were talking about Epi's in general.....

You're correct though; the stock p/u's in the Epi Boneyard are Gibson Burstbuckers....I would think the electronics might be upgraded too.

Originally Posted by PUCKBOY99I'm sorry....I thought you were talking about Epi's in general.....

You're correct though; the stock p/u's in the Epi Boneyard are Gibson Burstbuckers....I would think the electronics might be upgraded too.

Desert and I were, I'm assuming. But viewaskew was talking about the Boneyard specifically. I like that it comes with Gibson pickups but it looks like someone threw up on it and covered it with clearcoat....pukeburst.

Yeah, even in the catalogs/online vendor sites, the finish looks different.

I've never seen one in person....the Epi looks like some fake a$$ tiger burst kinda thing.

muahaha .. the original boneyard looks fiercer with dark stripes more visible
I told my friend who thought that the Epiphone boneyard looks fierce, but the original one looks even fiercer

The Epi Boneyard is down right ugly. The Gibson version is ugly, but at least you can see it's solid flamed maple. The Epi had a cheap veneer and the color looks disgusting- it looks like a $150 guitar

As far as PAF sounding pups go..... to my ears the Alnico pro is the closest thing to a PAF I have heard. Great PUPS you can do just about anything with them. They sound amazing in Archtop guitars (Gibson L5's), they also do a greta job in a Les Paul. Good choice.

Epiphone has the WORST stock pups of all the major brands IMO. Pretty much anything will be an improvement, but it would probably be pretty subtle if you put in Burstbuckers. I played a Dot (ES-335) that had 57 Classics in it. Compared to the Sheraton the store also had, it sounded like a completely different guitar.

And I agree the Boneyard is hideous. You can't account for taste though.

Originally Posted by ratherdashingEpiphone has the WORST stock pups of all the major brands IMO. Pretty much anything will be an improvement, but it would probably be pretty subtle if you put in Burstbuckers. I played a Dot (ES-335) that had 57 Classics in it. Compared to the Sheraton the store also had, it sounded like a completely different guitar.

And I agree the Boneyard is hideous. You can't account for taste though.

I've heard worse. Entry level Ibanez models sound worse to me than Epiphones. But, I like the pickups that came in my Epi for what they are. I didn't have to replace them right away, and I didn't really, but my love for Duncans made it a must do project.

Originally Posted by PUCKBOY99HE AIN'T THE ONLY ONE

Dude, thinkin' about Joe Perry gives you wood?

The Gibby Boneyard strangely appeals to me...the Epi just looks cheesy. Putting Duncans in an Epi...night and day...Fenders too...yup.

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