Bit of a newbie here, and this looks like a forum with a lot of knowledgeable people.
Here's my dilemma. I've owned a White Blonde Mexican Classic series 50's Telecaster for the past 18 months bought from new and love it. (If you want to see a pic of it see here My Tele ).
I've been tinkering with the guitar just strumming along to my fav. songs since I got it, but recently decided to start taking lessons and I've come on leaps and bounds, venturing into soloing and playing with amp settings to get just the right tone I need. I love blues, indie and hard rock (AC/Dc, Free, Zeppelin etc.)
I paid just over £450 for this guitar and have had it set up really nicely so it should be a quality guitar.
Problem is this:- I use my computer for playing music as does my teacher as this is really handy for picking songs. The problem seems to be the frequency of either the computer or monitor which makes the Tele pickups REALLY noisy. I have to turn the volume knob right down when taking a talking break with my teacher to stop the buzzing. Also low voltage lighting has the same effect. Its not a wire short because when I turn the guitar away from the source of interference, the noise goes away.
I've read somewhere that the Classic Series Mexican Tele's have special authentic vintage wiring and that the pickups are noisy by nature, but its getting embarrassing and even my teacher frowns when I stop playing (maybe that's just my playing though!!)
Does anyone have suggestions to which replacement pickups would suit this guitar and reduce noise? I want to keep the classic sound.
Many thanks
I had the same problem, later i ve understood that it was just because of the electric lines of the building.. But if you really want to change the pickup.. considering your music thoughts. my advice would be;
Lil59 Bridge (St59-1b)
Vintage Rhytm Stack (STK-T1n)
If you want authentic Tele tone from the lead (bridge) pickup without any 50-cycle hum, I'd suggest the STK-T3b Vintage Tele Stack.
Also, you might want to consider shielding the guitar, either with copper foil or shielding tape.
Originally Posted by Evan SkoppIf you want authentic Tele tone from the lead (bridge) pickup without any 50-cycle hum, I'd suggest the STK-T3b Vintage Tele Stack.
Evan is the man on tone discussions and pup selections, so I'm with him on this.
Ballasts can do all kinds of things to your guitar signals. Also check to make sure the input gain, and volume are at reasonable levels.
Welcome to the forum, we're not really knowledgable, just obsessed.
welcome to the message forum ... i have vintage stack matched set in my tele clone and it is indeed pretty quiet .. but computer monitors still give headaches ... good grounding and shielding are in order no matter which pups you use ...
ps - luke, i think it is 50 cycle hum in scotland
Luke, it is 50 Hz in the UK.
I know you knew that. Must be a brain fart.
If you want to get serious about shielding your guitar, you might want to try this. It may be a little more work than tape, especially to get the stuff over there. I asked one of my old EE professors/bosses about shielding a guitar, since we had done some work on shielding in our laboratory. I wanted to know if they had found anything since I left. Here's his reply.
quot;Electrodag graphite paint might work for electrical shielding but wouldn't reduce low frequency magnetic induction which is often a major part of the problem. Last year we actually did some work on spraying magnetite (Fe3O4) powder/polymer composite films. They were both magnetic (anf hence would absorb magnetic fiels) as well as reasonably conductive for electric field shielding. Of course, the nickel paints are also ferromagnetic and conductive. We still have bunch of that batch that was donated and could send you a little to try if you would like. Alternately, I think that Miller-Stephenson actually sells a fairly cheap aerosol spray bottle of nickel paint. It's pretty coarse upon drying but would probably work for your application. You might check their web site. quot;
I didn't try it on my Peavy, since I didn't feel the noise was bad enough to warrant the extra work (I have three humbuckers and only split the bridge pup occasionally). If you do try it, let me know how it works.
Hurrah! A fellow scot!! I'm from airdrie, which is marginally worse than kilmarnock welcome to the forum man.
Thanks guys for the warm welcome and the advice. Its all good!. 50Hz is the problem indeed. I'm a wee bit scared about tinkering with the paint or aerosol idea though, but thanks for the explanation in any case. I reckon the stack suggested by Evan is just the ticket. Is there a perfect Neck pickup to match that one or can I just keep the one I have? The buzzing isn't as noticeable on my neck pup. But If I'm changing to the stack, I think its probably best to get a matched neck pup too.
By the way I'm coming to North Carolina on business in May and was looking to take advantage of the strong British Pound to pick up a bargain. Any suggestion to where I could shop for the SD pups while I'm there. I'll be in Greenville.
Cheers again
Thanks Jimbo! You must have posted just a nano before my reply! I know what you mean!!!
My computer monitors give my single coils hell @ up to 2 meters. Is this why some bass guitars have those massive chrome dome arch covers over the strings over the pickup? Does that shield them. And the original spec tele's too? Either way, you need stacks or buckers.
I think LCD monitors will help alot. Vintage Rhythm Stack! for neck.
One of the colder swims I've taken (ever) was near Gairloch in Scotland...
I looked at the tele pic and it's really lovely. How's the finish holding up? I really like that wood-showing-through vibe. When you next find a 20£ banknote in your pocket after laundry, you should check out a useless cosmetic alteration in a black scratchplate/pickguard . . . . if you're prone to that kind of variation. Look, i went to USAcustomguitars.com and built it for you (because i'm such a sad case)
I had planned for the black pick guard and will probably do both the pup change and the guard change at the same time. Possible throw in some copper tape at the same time. Finish on the guitar is like new on the body. The highly polished neck is fine although I've word down the polish to the bare wood in between some of the frets at the top. Working on getting it like Keef Richards Tele neck!!! I'll check out that USACustomguitars site when I get home from work. It looks too girly with the white pick guard I think. The black one gives it a nice contrast. I had also thought of the tortoise shell pg but I think black looks best now that I've seen your pic.
Many thanks again Toenail et al.
- Feb 15 Tue 2011 21:03
Mexican Classic Series Noisy Telecaster