My friend has a beat up Epi Lp Special. Old. Would this thing be worth the time and money to upgrade it into something manageable?
If that's the 150 dollar one...eh...
My friend had that, I couldn't stand playing it...it just felt abysmal! I mean, he had his action high and drop-tuned to C with 10s on it but still, the thing was ugh I mean...I just didn't like it, lol.
If it feels good to play, give her some love
I have one of the new ones from china. Maple neck, 4 piece alder body. Needed a fret levelling and setup.
yea its one of them super cheap ones. I think I'm going to stay away from it!! Its in pieces so I don't know how it feels. Oh well heh thanks guys!
- Feb 15 Tue 2011 21:03
Epiphone LP Special..?