I have bolt-on guitar with a maple neck, rosewood fingerboard, and oiled walnut body. it also has a Kahler flatmount trem and a routing for a single humbucker at the bridge with 1 vol pot. the stock pickup is a Lace of some kind and I want to replace it. I play metal, mainly death/thrash/black. I like a lot of clarity, where I can hear the pick hitting the string.
this might be impossible, but I'd also like to be able to pull some clean tones out of this pickup as well. not jazz or country clean, but just clean enough to back off the vol, switch to clean on my amp, and play song intros and breaks.
would the Distortion, JB, or Dimebucker be my best bet?
i'd say distortion or custom?
Could you use the invader?Maybe you should use the live wire metal... Although it doesnt clean up well at all you could be all kinds of metal... and i havnt really heard of anyone using one...
but honestly I think probably the Distortion, dimebucker, and maybe the custom, and maybe the invader. Although i have never experienced oiled walnut... So i am not much use here
Distortion or custom would be the safest bet IMO!
first of all is your guitar a neal moser creation? and also do you know what the pickup in there right now is? It wouldn't happen to be a lace drop and gain would it?
Duncan Distortion with a 500K push/pull pot so you can switch from series wiring to parallel. This will give you a crushing humbucker sound when in series and a cleaner single coil-like tone when in parallel.
Originally Posted by Shredhead7first of all is your guitar a neal moser creation? and also do you know what the pickup in there right now is? It wouldn't happen to be a lace drop and gain would it?
no, it's a Warmoth Flying V copy. the guy I bought it from was into blues and classic rock. the Lace is a dually with red/blue logos. sounds good, like a fat 'n crunchy PAF but I need something with way more clarity and heat.
tell me about those Drop amp; Gains. I read the description at Lace and Harmony Central reviews and they sound worth trying.
consider a coil split as well, you could use the invader and it'll be quite nice split.. even the EMG 89?
the drop and gain is basically a pickup that lace created to compete with high output pickups and basically the pickup is 2 hum cancelling singles put together. But the coils are mismatched allow for weird characteristics to come out. The bridge supposedly sounds a lot like an emg 81 with more thickness and versatility. Supposedly its really chunky sounding, but also very tight and articulate. It is well worth trying out. You can find one at the music hotel for about $70 or so. I was looking into the drop and gains as well as some adder plus corp pickups for my guitar depicted in my signature. I think i am gonna go with the APCs but now that you got me thinking about it i might think about the lace drop and gains. they are only 125 per set at themusicmotel.com. Hell we should both try em out. Damn, now i'm confused again.
But yeah i would say try it out cause you can split it 2 ways to get clean tones, and parallel would be dead silent too.
I emailed one of the guys who wrote a review in harmony central, and he described it as having an open top end with a tad of emg sizzle, as well as having superb cleans, and he doesn't even split them.
Give it a try. Duncans aren't perfect for everyone.
Originally Posted by theodieDistortion or custom would be the safest bet IMO!
I agree 100%
For extreme metal, you really want a lot of saturation from the pickup. The hotter the output, the better.
emg 85 sound pretty good on their site, and i think some jazz players use them, but im not sure who.
- Feb 15 Tue 2011 21:03
single humbucker guitar for extreme metal