
Ok. currently im running:

Guitar -gt; GE-7 -gt; POD 2.0 -gt; Blue Max Comp -gt; Sovek Mig-60 (through Avatar 2X12)

i love the sounds im getting out of this rig especially for the over-all collective price i paid for it, but its time i get a new head. the sovtek is GREAT for what im going, and thats running my pre-setup though the clean channel. thats where the amps job ends really here and thats why the basic sovtek was good

But, the Sovtek needs a bias job and no one wants to touch it around here and the roll around date for repairs of any kind on the amp is insane because the shops just save it for a rainy day.

so what i need is a nice TUBE head around 50 watts or so (give or take 10 watts or so) with a clean chennel that will take my pre-setup well. i dont need anything fancy at all because ive programmed the POD to do EXACTLY what i need it to do

price range is from $200-$600

Thanks a lot guys

Yamaha T-50: What a kick-ass amp. It sounds great through my Avatar 2x12.

a cheap hooker might work

Probally not what you are looking for but, I am considering selling my Marshall JCM 900 model 2100 100W.

Maybe a Peavey Classic 50 head. My combo has a great clean channel.

Mrid... what's so great about the Yamaha T-50?

Originally Posted by xerxesa cheap hooker might workLove it!!!

Why not just get a tube poweramp??

Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3Why not just get a tube poweramp??

Good question. Maybe something like this:
from : localhost/;rd=1

Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3Why not just get a tube poweramp??

Great advice. If all that is being done is putting a POD through it, this really would be a great idea

Although I do have to say, running my V-Amp2 through my XXX's power section doesn't sound as good as the XXX itself, but that maybe be due to the fact that it isn't a dedicated poweramp, and the V-amp2 is more of a budget POD.

Those Peavey Classic poweramps are wonderful, too. Alexi Laiho (Children of Bodom) toured the world with them until last year, when he upgraded to a VHT 2/50/2 .

another vote for a tube power amp, I have a vox tonelabSE pedal board that I'll use with a Peavey Classic 50/50 stereo power amp (50 watts stereo, 100 watts bridged) run through an avatar 2x12 cabinet - great warm tube tone with all the power needed to cut through a loud band. Nice thing is I can use the amp modeling section of the board with excellent results (the 50/50 is a very neutral sounding power amp) - when I use the board with my 30 watt head or 18 watt combo I can really only use it for the effects. Take advantage of that POD!

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