Hey everyone, a few months ago I replaced the stock 500T in the bridge of my les paul classic with a FRED. I initaly liked the sound, It was very clear and not harsh so initaly I liked it more then The 500T. Now it just sounds small and doesent quite live up to other les Pauls. I Realy kinda want my bridge to have a nice bold bottom end, like Les Paul Standards. I was looking into the 59, but I hear complaints of thiness/treblyness. I realy want a big, full, well balanced sound, which i heard the custom does pretty well. Bold Bottom, Thick Mids, and an articulated yet smooth top end.
i dont know how smooth the top end is on the custom, its not thin or shrill or overly bright but smooth to me is more the creamy alnico II pro type tone.
i used to have a sg with a custom in the bridge and it sounded fantastic!! the burstbucker pros that are in the les paul std are similar to the 59's in some ways. vintage alnico 5 tone so if you dont think the burstbucker pros are too bright i dont think youll think the 59 is too bright either. the custom has a lot more output and mids than those two pups. listen to the sound samples to hear the difference between the 59 and custom
what kind of music are you looking to play? the '59 is perfect for classic rock, angus young is the player i'd put closest to the '59, it depends what you hear as 'dry' and what you call 'bright'
To tell you the truth, I realy like Jerry Cantrell's tone, but i dont like the idea of the JB sounding thin/bottomless, as im looking for more bottom then the fred. It would probubly be somthing pretty similar to his sound, a cranked marshallesq 15-20watt Singled ended amp into a 2x12 with weber speakers, the 1230-55 and the silver bell.
the opposite to thin/bottomless for me is the A2P or the custom custom
alnico II is the way to go if you thought the JB is too nasal
btw - tell me more about that marshall! sounds like my dream amp!
I thought alnico 2 had more mids and less bass/treble then alnico 5 and ceramic? I love bold bridge bottom, The standard with burstbuckers kinda had it. The pickup realy need to have a thick lead sound too, not nasal or tinny but not muddy. Just somthing realy well balanced.
Anyway that amp is going to be built pretty soon, The power sections going to be either a 6550, or a kt88. not sure yet, but it will put out between 12-20 watts of power. The preamp is ripped right out of a jcm800, but is much warmer and fatter, with more gain. Knowing how to build this stuff is very useful.
man, that sounds like its gonna be awesome! are EL34s not ok for that low a power rating?
and also, which transformers are you using, and where do you get them from? i've always wanted to try an AX84 kit, but i'll be damned if i can find a shop selling hammond or anything equivalent..
and A2P's are most closely associated with slash. he uses them for pretty much everything - very warm, powerful stuff.. the only Alnico II pickups i have are texas hots, and they are very smooth and warm..
Originally Posted by wiggum655Hey everyone, a few months ago I replaced the stock 500T in the bridge of my les paul classic with a FRED. I initaly liked the sound, It was very clear and not harsh so initaly I liked it more then The 500T. Now it just sounds small and doesent quite live up to other les Pauls. I Realy kinda want my bridge to have a nice bold bottom end, like Les Paul Standards. I was looking into the 59, but I hear complaints of thiness/treblyness. I realy want a big, full, well balanced sound, which i heard the custom does pretty well. Bold Bottom, Thick Mids, and an articulated yet smooth top end.
custom 5 or regualr custom would be real good
also dimarzio has out a virtual hot PAF out now that is killer
Custom 5 should fill the bill...
- Feb 15 Tue 2011 21:04
replacing a FRED