
Yay! My Atomic Reactor 112 is here, and it is everything I hoped it would be! It took a few minutes to put the PODxt docking template together, then I dropped it in, turned it on, and immediately started cranking out preset after preset of delicious tubed-up tone.

I have tried running my POD through all types of guitar amps, power amps, a few bass amps, a keyboard amp, and a PA, but they all fell short in some way. Not only does the Reactor give the most accurate representation I've heard yet of the PODxt's models, it actually ADDS something to the sound ... something that I knew was missing from the straight-up PODxt, but couldn't put my finger on. I think quot;feelquot; is the best way to describe it: the way a good tube amp responds and reacts to your picking. Maybe that's why they call it the Reactor

It's a very unique little thing: a closed-back, ported, 1x12 combo. The tubes are a 12AX7 and two EL84's, all cooled by a little fan. The top of the cab is slanted forward for some reason, and you can lay it horizontally or vertically. Another non-typical thing is the effects loop with left and right sends, but a mono return. There are no knobs on this thing - just a power switch and the dock for the modeller. The PODxt does all the tone shaping and controls the output volume.

Speaking of volume, it's rated 18 watts but it's the loudest 18W amp I've ever heard! Like I said, you use the PODxt's output level to control the volume. The amp started to break up at around 7 or 8 on the output control, but it sounds pretty sweet all the way up to that point, even at low volumes. It is plenty loud for rehearsing or small gigs. If I ever need more volume, I'll just buy another one and run them stereo!

Anyway, I am very pleased that my months of searching for a PODxt amplification solution has ended happily. Thanks to everyone who helped me out along the way!

I've been contemplating getting one of those for my V-amp. Thanks for the review. Sounds like it's pretty good.

1. How good does it sound at low volumes? I can see how the valves would make it cool at ~ 3 on the output, but how about fairly quiet bedroom practice?

Originally Posted by Jimbojsr 1. How good does it sound at low volumes? I can see how the valves would make it cool at ~ 3 on the output, but how about fairly quiet bedroom practice?

I managed to get a decent sound out of it at 1 on the output. It didn't have that cool low end thump at that volume though, but it's hardly fair to expect that. The fact that it's 18W means that it can do fairly low volumes and still sound good. Once you turn the PODxt's volume up to around the two and a half mark, you really notice the sound fill out, especially on the low end.

It's a great amp, and I highly recommend it to anyone with a stand-alone modeller. Price is very good too (I paid $629 CAN).

Congrats. Cool.

Another satisifed customer! I use 2 of em live all the time. Tracked plenty in the studio with it. It's right up there with sliced bread if ya ask me.

What do you guys set your output mode on your pods.I have a podxtlive and I hook up mine in the effects return in the back of the reactor.I set my output mode on studio and it sounds like it does through the headphones.Sounds good!!!I'm just curious if anybody sets theirs different?

1, I've had mine since they first came out, and they're definitely worth every penny.

I have often kicked around the idea of picking up an XT and a Reactor. Maybe I will at some point!

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