
I finally got the time to change the pups... and man, did I make the right choice!!!
I didn't expect the A2P to be very articulate... my pick attack is so pronounced... (which i love of course)... and it's awesome playing chords, clean! no need to mention that warm, round tone slash has been known for

The custom is exactly what I wanted... thick and heavy, but not too compressed... it really packs an awesome punch!

I can't wait for the next rehearsal and live gig!!!

got that same combo myself for my les paul sx(cheap but good).
which one is your guitar?

Originally Posted by madguitar26got that same combo myself for my les paul sx(cheap but good).
which one is your guitar?

it's a limited ed epi

i'm not sure if it has a solid maple top or have a really thin veneer top.

neck pup cavity.
neck tenon

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