
Here's a little thing I threw together. It's the Alnico II Pro's rocking out in an Epiphone Les Paul. As usual I'm playing everything and there's no vocals. I'm not a drummer so cut me some slack. I used my trusty ole Line6 AX2/212 amp for all the guitars. Enjoy!!
from : localhost/

that sounds awesome man

especially the metal chuggy bit

what settings do you use on your line6?cheers,

WOW that really sounds great! Ive been wondering what they sound like with heavy stuff for a while...and they sound awesome!!!!

Good stuff!

And we've gone over this before but WHY THE HELL DONquot;T YOU HAVE A BAND ******!!!!!

Originally Posted by ishmunthat sounds awesome man
especially the metal chuggy bit
what settings do you use on your line6?

Thanks Ishan. I used a modeled Marshall JCM 800 with the gain at about 4 and a modeled tube screamer set at almost half.

Originally Posted by Young AngusWOW that really sounds great! Ive been wondering what they sound like with heavy stuff for a while...and they sound awesome!!!!
Good stuff!

Thanks man!!

Originally Posted by WattageAnd we've gone over this before but WHY THE HELL DONquot;T YOU HAVE A BAND ******!!!!!

Cause I'm a dork. I thought we'd gone over that before as well. Actually, I had a guy call last week about getting together and jamming. He's a drummer and knows this awesome singer that I've seen sing before a couple of years ago. They checked out my soundclick page and loved all the stuff I've been doing. They're wanting to get together and try out some bass players when I get back from UGD. I'm pretty psyched about it. I've never really played guitar in a band before, unless you count dorking around with friends playing covers in a garage. The only band I was ever in was when I played bass.

Awesome stuff!

I still have that old clip you recorded with the pearly gates pickups... you know that one with the phasered clean into and the b5th chord?

You remind me a lot of John Sykes, actually.

Originally Posted by B2DAwesome stuff!
I still have that old clip you recorded with the pearly gates pickups... you know that one with the phasered clean into and the b5th chord?
You remind me a lot of John Sykes, actually.

Yeah man, that was the stuff I did comparing different pickups. I think that might even be in the link in my signature. I've never really listened to any John Sykes other than some of his Whitesnake stuff.

Wow! Really good, really good.

Do you actually prefer AIIPro to other pickups for this kind of music? Did you record it direct from the amp or via a mic?

How would you yourself, in your own words, compare AIIPro to other SD/? pups?

But, no matter what, great playing and great tone.

Aight, lets get to the heart of the issue here. Very good tone btw, but that's not what im interested in. What i wanna know is....

How were those clips recorded? What was used? Im particularly interested if it was PC recorded. What software? Sound card? Mic? Direct into sound card? The whole setup and process basically.

Now I'll tell you why I'm interested. Those were probably the most quot;finishedquot; amature recordings I've ever heard, and by amature I just mean quot;not professionally donequot; and to be honest it sounds like it could have been. Please tell me they werent professionally done?

As for the playing, I dont hear john sykes at all. Listen to pride amp; glory and BLS and tell me if the riffs dont remind you of zakk wylde?

Damn that was cool. Dude, are actually playing the drums or is that a machine? They don't sound bad at all.

The tone and playing was very good. That was some seriously bad ass tuneage!! Enjoyed it....

What can I say that hasn't been said? Nothing really.... I agree with Wattage. It's time for you to get a band together. Also, I agree with the John Sykes comment. You need to get his stuff with quot;Blue Murderquot;...

I haven't listened to Jolly's stuff since joining the board many moons ago...his clips turned me on to the Pearly Gates!

Very cool tune Jolly...I would definitely buy an album full of that type of stuff!!!

Upon 2nd listen, it sounds a little like Dropbox....did you get quot;inspiredquot; after hearing them???

that got my head bopping! If I move down to murfreesboro next year we're gonna have to jam sometime.

Dude you whail like a pro and that tone is HEAVY! Cool.

You write some awesome riffs man \m/

The badass smackerhammer is on it again!!
Man Jolly you're so heavy
Too cool.

I guess this means that Epiphones really don't actually suck?

Because listeing to this tune, I'd buy one in a minute; loaded with Duncans, of course....

fookin' solid man.

I can hear those tubes shimmering under pressure...almost gastric and gargling...very good gindy tone.

ahh... orgasmic.. lovin it all the way, nice work kid

best regards,

Hey Jolly, would you mind if I recorded some vocals for this? I'm not very good but it would be good practice for me. I could do some ballsinvicegrip style 80's vocals and other power singing type styles. I'm bored...

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