
What type of humbucker do you think would sound best in the bridge of my HSS mexi strat? I'm going to be using the bridge for exclusively slide playing, Duane being my favorite slide player. I want thick and screamy.

Sound like Duane with a strat ? I'd say either a Custom Custom or something from the parallel axis series, probably the Blues Trembucker.

I'd favor one of the A2 mag pickups ... less string pull, more sustain and a little compression ... all things that work well for slide, IMO.

If you chose an A5 mag pickup, I'd get one that's a little hot for the added mids

I am using a set of Burstbuckers #1amp;#2 (a2s) in my fat/fat strat setup with the open E tuning. I like them!


The Custom Custom would be nice but it's quite a bit hotter than what Duane used.

Duane played slide mostly on his SG didn't he? The pickups in that guitar would've been alnico 5 Gibson patent number humbuckers. The Duncan pickup closest to that would be the one I use in both of my humbucker Strats: 59 Trembucker.


duane played a lp as well as a sg, and used the neck pup probably more than anything else. id say a 59 would be good, but in a strat i might go for a seth lover or antiquity to warm up the bridge tone. great slide tone from alnico II magnets in general

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