Alright guys, I am brand new here, this is my first post.......... A couple months ago I took my schecter scorpion stock pickups out (HB101N and HB101B), and I replaced it with a Duncan Distortion in the bridge I'm taking the distortion out and putting something new in...I want something not as bright and high output, something alot more well rounded, I play in a three piece band so I cover rythym and lead work. I'm also playing a baritone guitar, so very low tunings. I'm leaning towards the 59 model..........any suggestions?Thanks
Brother in my opinion there is nothing better than a distortion in the bridge.
This evening I had a jam session with my buds, and my RR3 ate everything in the room. It was incredible. I'd so keep that Distortion if I was you. But you sound like you may want a JB?
a 59 is even brighter than a distortion and will sound muddy with long scale baritone tunings.
Try the darker yet versatile Custom Custom
JB or Custom. most likely the custom.
And if your into the whole scooped mids thing, A Custom 5.
Yeah, I'm not really into the whole scooped mids thing...........I play in a metal band, but I don't really like the screaming guitar thing......I love the Sound Tom Morello has, if that helps,
Originally Posted by Funky Pa 59 is even brighter than a distortion and will sound muddy with long scale baritone tunings.
Try the darker yet versatile Custom Custom
while the 59 is brighter than the DD, I think that it would work great in a baritone axe with high gain.
Because it is brighter and lower output, it will have more detail amp;nd better defined lows than a high output 'bucker.
The Custom Custom will most likely turn to mush under high gain and extremely low tunings.
Another option might be the Screamin Demon or perhaps even the Full Shred.
Full Shredd, most certantly.
Screaming demon sounds extremely bright to me, maybe its because its EQ is high inbetween mid and high.
The Custom 5 is good because it tows the line between vintage and modern. It's got a very deep tight bottom end, so it'll work nice on a baritone. Scooped is a bad word, but it's neutral mids allow it to sound good on clean and high gain. It's a versatile pickup that tends to sound good in most guitars. It's exactly as the site describes a 59 with a deeper bottom end and expanded output.
Think of it like this
59 balanced vintage tone
Seth additional mids vintage tone
Custom pure metal
Distortion metal with brighter top
Custom 5 like a 59 but hotter
CC like a Seth but hotter
- Feb 15 Tue 2011 21:03
Best pickup for me?