I got a used yamaha today that has a seymour duncan in it but i cant tell what it is. On the back it says SEY, anyone have an idea?
If you think i bought this guitar just for the pickup, you guessed right.
have you played it, can you post a description of how it sounds and its tone and that kinda stuff?
I'm no expert, but I think it's a Seymourizer II, which is the old name for the Distortion neck.
my guess would be JB. go to the part on the SD website that has all the brands of guitars that use pickups, and find your guitar, it should tell you what pup is in it.
That is 1000% a SEYMOURIZER II...
Now known as the Distortion Neck...
there you have it
It dont sound to bad, its like 12.7K. It seems to be laching some of the bottom end i like.
- May 17 Tue 2011 21:05
How can i tell what pickup i have?