
This is my first post here. I just installed a Duncan Distortion in the bridge of my 05 usa standard strat (left the middle and neck singles stock.) Right now I just have it hooked up just like the stock single coil was. The first thing I noticed is that the bottom tone control actually effects the bridge... I hadnt noticed that with the single coil... I am wanting some cool options with that 5 way switch and thought I might get some good suggestions here.
The 2 positions I know I want to keep are the bridge only and neck and middle together settings (the 2 hum-free ones =))
but I wouldn't mind trying some funky things with the other positions.
Also what would the forum suggest to keep that humbucker stabilized and level... it is a little bit wobbly and unlevel so I can't get it as close to the strings I would like presently? I think I saw someone suggest surgical tubing or something...where would ya get that stuff?


btw I am in a band that plays mostly heavy stuff but sometimes heavy with no distortion....I guess we are punk too. with a little Led Zep feel too. from : localhost/

oh yeah... bump

surgical tubeing = from : localhost/is a great site for almost everything.I don't think the bottom tone control is supposed to control the tone for the bridge. Have you looked at the diagrams for the pickup configuration on the site? You might want to check them out to see if everything is hooked up right.

well..I could really hear an impact on the stock bridge pup...but apparently it is the quot;delta tonequot; system...
from fender:
Master Volume,
Tone 1. (Neck Pickup),
Tone 2. New Delta Tone™
(“Delta Tone” system includes high output bridge pickup and special No-Load tone control for Middle and Bridge Pickups)

If your tone controls do not require a switch pole, you could use this one and pretend your two singles are a humbucker:
I've often found the 5 position switch to be kind of irritating. First of all because you have all these choices to cull through while you're playing a song. Secondly because when you want to rewire your strat, you have to come up with 5 different wiring options to fill up the switch.

Here's a simple suggestion that I think would be cool to try. First off use a three position switch. Make the first position be your DD. Then, use the the second position for that Neck/Middle combo you like. Last, make the third position plain old quot;Neck Single Coilquot;.

I like this configuration because in the middle you'll have a really cool rythm sound and then on either side of the switch, a bichen lead tone is only one click away.

If you do decide to stick with a 5 position switch. I advise you to use one of the Fender four pole ones. This will enable you to come up with some ultra wacky combinations.

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