
First off, I would like to say Hi to everyone on this forum.

The Drummer of my band (4 years of guitar experience) recommended this forum to me, after I decided I was going to stick some s into my bass.

As the title of my tread inplies, I am currently a owner of a Ibanez GSR200L, which is a left handed version of the GSR200. The neck is made of a quot;Maple Neck Materialquot; , the fretboard is made of a rosewood, and the body is made of Agathis. from : localhost/ More info on the guitar.

The pickups that it comes with (active) sound..well pretty bad. They have a very muddy sound to them, and neither the highs, mids or low seem to be very well defined. I currently plan to replace both the J and P pickups. What im looking for is to have a clear, more defined sound with a nice punch to it. My style is a mixture of both pluck and picking, a bit more emphisis on picking than plucking. My band style is rock, with inspirations by bands like System of a Down, Thrice, KoRn, Rise Against, etc. I really love the sound of the bass in this song. Im not looking for the same exact sound, but something similair. Any ideas what I should be looking for


got sent into the second page, sorry if this is against the rules.

I have looked around alot, looked around alot of review sites and Im strongly thinking about the


I read alot of reviews and they all seem positive

Also, anyone know any Jazz pickups that would compliment these pickups.

Well I got the pickup but I now have a question about wiring. This is really my first experience with wiring something of this sort. I had pervious experience with soldiering and such.
from : localhost/the diagram

I was wondering about how to properly ground it.
also what is that green thingy with the .22 on it

from : localhost/is the original wiring of the guitar

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