Hey gang, my band is in the process of recording. The guitarist is using a 2203 halfstack miced with an SM57. We have lots of other mics, but that's what we're using right now. The problem is, the amp has no reverb, and the guitar tracks just sound too flat and dry.
What can we do to fix this? More room/ambient mics? A bit of delay somehow? Double the tracks?
i'm not a recording expert by any means. perhaps other can shed more light on this than i can.
but if you have extra mics, go ahead and mess around with those...multiple mics, deffenent positionings, different areas of the room, and so on. or try adding a touch of delay or reverb from an external source.
U can add reverb/delay when u mix. Although, i try to leave as little as possible to mix. Room mics may help. Read my last post in this room for what i did.
- Jun 11 Thu 2009 20:51
Recorded guitar sounds too dry