Hello, I think I'm gonna save up money for a used Orange Rocker 30 combo, do you think that is stupid, or is it worth it? I've heard some sound clips, and it sounds absolutely stunning..Really beautiful..both clean and the gain channel, but I think that especially the gain channel is a winner, it really shines on these amps.
Since I am a rock/heavy metal guy I guess it will fit my needs.. (that's why it's called 'Rocker' I guess??). But do you think it's worth it?
And also... The looks of Orange amps have massive amounts of mojo
Seriously dudes and dudettes..The tones it's able to create is like a beautiful womans face...Really, it's what makes life worth living.
Sune, do you know that talking to yourself is a sign of madness!
Seriously though, i agree. They are great amps. I have tried the rocker 30 combo and rockerverb 50 head.
They are exceptionally well built, and the gain channel is ultra versatile. You can go from a light overdrive all the way to a fantastic lead tone, and fortunately, unlike a lot of amps, its doesnt sound too saturated, but gives more of a thick crunchy sound with a lot of definition - more jcm 800 than dsl/tsl
I decided i couldnt afford the 50, and the thing that has so far put me off the 30 (which i think is quite reasonably priced given the tone and build quality) is the fact the clean channel has no gain or tone control at all, only a volume. I just worry that if it is going to be my main gigging amp, i wont always find it easy to get a good clean sound in some venues. The way i see it, you have to be very comfortable using the volume/tone controls on your guitar (which i am not).
As far as buying one second hand, it may not be that easy to find one, as they have only been out a few months.
But please let us know if you get on.
I agree that they're very good sounding amps, for both clean and gain. I'd definitely recommend buying used, because new Orange amps are a bit overpriced. Even so, at least they're amps with real tone.
Those amps are AWESOME!
I've seen a lot of the boutique guys over at TGP rave about the Rockerverb 50, so Orange has got to be doing something right. From what I've gathered, the overdrive excels at stuff like Alice In Chains and the cleans have a darker, sorta Marshall vibe.
Honestly Sune, judging by your playing style, I think it just might be perfect.
I've rocked out on one, and I can say, they are awesome!
I think you would really enjoy it, make sure it lives up to it's name of ROCKER!
Rock On
Well, actually I did already find a guy who wanted to sell his, but right know I don't have the money to buy one used, but that's why I'm saving.
- Jul 27 Tue 2010 20:59
Orange Rocker 30 combo