
A non recessed Floyd/copy..i.e. it's flat against the body, no pulling up on the bar

my Korean Wolfie Special was like this...

Also, not looking to spend beaucoup $...something around 4-6 bills.

Originally Posted by JeffBA non recessed Floyd/copy..i.e. it's flat against the body, no pulling up on the bar

On each side of the financial spectrum:
1. Wayne Rock Legend
2. Kramer 1984 (

Originally Posted by TwilightOdysseyOn each side of the financial spectrum:
1. Wayne Rock Legend
2. Kramer 1984 (

Ahh...#1 would be preferrable..but...

I forgot about that thing from Kramer...wonder if they have any in stock....

The MusicYo Kramer's are flying out of the warehouse. The ran out very fast when they first went on sale. If you want to get something like that, look at the used market too for an older Baretta.

In late 1985, almost all of the Kramer's were made by ESP. The quot;Americanquot; series at that time were assembled in the U.S. with those parts. All other series were assembled overseas.

fender has a few in the MIM deluxe series like that. i own one and it's a damn good guitar! only thing is they no longer make them so you have to buy used. on the other hand you can do what i am in the middle of and build your own. i'm working on two charvel clones now with the typical 1 hum 1 knob and a top mounted floyd. i'm using for all my parts since the price is better than warmoth, the quality is just as good and they do the best charvel body and neck clones. i actually just got one body and neck today the other neck is in the mail and the other body out at paint. so if you don't go too crazy with exotic wood the price will be fair. you can keep the cost real low if you oil finish the neck yourself and also do an oil fisnish on a mahogany body. just an idea and it's much more fun to build your on to your specs.


I think you might have more fun making one from Warmoth parts. Then, you could get a sweet birdseye neck with any radius you want.....For $650, you could have a superstrat that plays as good as an old Charvel or Wayne.
The guitar I use that satisfies my love for a trem superstrat is my Gamp;L Legacy Deluxe.
Right now, there's a Gibson nickel 498T/Gamp;L/Hot Rail in it. I just kept swapping pickups till I found the tone that suits that guitar the best.....ironically a 498T, which I don't care for in LP's.......sounds great in basswood/maple.Thank You forum bros I forgot about that MIM Strat w/ the Floyd!

Joe, I can barely assemble a sandwich, no way I'm building myself a guitar though I would like to have something built FOR me someday

Originally Posted by JeffBJoe, I can barely assemble a sandwich, no way I'm building myself a guitar though I would like to have something built FOR me someday

Cough, Cough!!!

there's also a US made strat with a non recessed first it was called floyd rose classic and later they renamed it to american special floyd rose........Check my signature you can see one..................they do not make them since 2004 but used ones keep coming up at ebay...........

jeff if you buy the parts either myself or theodie can build it for you. send odie a PM he does some kick ass fret work too which i can't do i can only put them together, wire them and do basic fret polishing and fret end dressing, i don't do leveling (that's what odie is for) but most times i've been lucky and about 90% of my necks set up perfect out of the box and didn't need a leveling just a fret end dressing.

also i have a USA made Fender strat body ready for a top mounted floyd (bushings are in it) i would sell....but be warned, it needs paint, its partially sanded/scuffed so paint is a must. drop me a line if you want to build a strat and could use the body.


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