
Hi! I recently stumbled upon this board and am delighted to find so many knowledgable veterans around willing to share their knowledge!

My question is a semi specific one. So I was hoping someone out there had some directions to lead me in.
I want to learn about building and/or customizing effects pedals.
I did some searching around, and came to more or less a dead end at quot;Electronics Projects for Musiciansquot; by Craig Anderton. I have yet to purchase a copy, but of the reviews and information I gathered on the book, it shows you how to build, but does little to explain how or why things work.

Anyways, thanks in advance for any guidance!

If ever there was an area where hands-on experience was the best teacher - this is it. I've been involved with all aspects of electronics for the past 35 years. When I need a pedal modded . . . I send it to Dr. John. (forum bro: Stratdeluxer97)

The thing to do would be to buy an inexpensive pedal, like maybe a BOSS DS-1, and start fiddling with component values. Listen for the change each variation makes - if any. Since you're dealing with 9 volts, you aren't likely to blow anything up.

Go to a couple of the guitar electronics webpages, and build a pedal of your own. Again, play with component values. See what works and what doesn't.

Hopefully, the quot;Docquot; will stop by with more recommendations. And welcome to the forum.


I have a very good foundation of the basics of electronics...Most of the overdrive/distortion/fuzz circuits share alot of the same type circuits...I learned by looking at schematics and then literally learning where to substitute components..There isn't a website or book that I know of that gives out any real secret on how to mod pedals...You might be best trying to build your own pedal from websites on the net and then learn how that particular pedal works from there..I use my ears and my instincts of playing for over 30 years when I mod my own pedals..

Truant, welcome. If you do nothing else today, listen to these guys. They speaketh the truth. And the truth shall set you free.

Also if you have never done any soldering or need practice orienting and putting together a pedal from scratch a good way to get your feet wet is by building a pedal from Even though I have always been facinated by ripping electronics apart and putting them back together, my BYOC tremelo (VibraStomp) was my first experience of putting a pedal together from square one.(Maybe square 2 since it comes as a kit ) I must tell you that I learned a good bit from doing this kit!! Warning you WILL become addicted to this stuff!!! Welcome aboard!!!

Pedal modifications are usually variations of the same reoccurring themes:

1.) True bypass switching (for tone sucking circuits).
2.) Replacement of lower grade / variable spec components with higher grade / tight tolerance components.
3.) Changing the resistive and / or capacitive components in the tone stack (to shift the frequency response).
4.) Changing the values of the coupling capacitors between amplifying stages.
5.) Changing transistors / op amps for higher / lower hfe (gain) or switching speed.
6.) Changing the clipping diodes for smooth / fast / asymmetrical clipping.

Once you can identify the portion of a circuit that makes up a tone stack or an amplifying stage, it is just a matter substituting components.

Welcome to the forum, Truant. Get that book. That is highly recommended reading by many DIYers that I've talked with since I started making my own. Go to and read everything, including the quot;Technology Of....quot; articles. There is a wealth of information there. AMZFX has some nice stuff too and a few books as well. Read read read and tinker tinker tinker. That is how you'll learn.

Thanks a ton for all the suggestions. I've got a set of books that should be here in a week, I think while I wait I'll scour the Dallas area for pedals and parts to frankenstein!

Going to check out the build it yourself before I start mixing and matching. We'll see how it goes.

Thanks again for all the help.

from : localhost/another good place

from : localhost/an info page I've been making for just this kindof thing

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