i would go with the jazz for my LP in the neck if it had a little bit more midrange is the A2 pro like that? or should i just step up to the seth?
I have Seths inTWO of my guitars, A Hamer Newport Pro, and a Hamer Artist Custom. They work very well in Semi-Hollows as they do in Les-Paul type guitars. But ya you'll like the Alnico better than the Jazz as far as midrange go's! I like the 59's in the neck position of 251/2 scale guitars. But with the 243/4 scale I wouldn't use them, to me they just don't sound as good. But you didn't mention what they were going in? There are some very nice un-waxed, non-potted pups out their now. On the Les-Paul forum someone posted sound clips of the Seths, VooDoo's and Timbuckers. All in the same guitar playing the same song. [58 LP-ReIssue]. Out of the three sets of pups the general consensous was that the Timbuckers, VooDoo's sounded better than the Seths. And the Timbuckers were the most favored. The Timbuckers are wound by a fellow named Tim Allen out of Alabama, he's getting 240.00 a set. And in any color or Nickle/Gold. Brad Whitifor of Aerosmith is using his pups. He can be contacted through the LP-Forum. I also like the BB-Pro's that are made by Gibson and going in the Pauls now. I think Gibson finally got them right! But I would TRY THEM [Seths] before you purchase. I know alot of players that don't care for them. In my Newport Pro, the sound GREAT. In my Artist Custom I've been thinking about changing them to waxed-potted pups and using the Seths on another Semi-Hollow I have.
The Jazz has less mids but more bass and high end sparkle/chime/harmonics. I find I can get a clearer chord tone with the Seth Lover because it has less bass...although I do miss the extended highs of the alnico 5 Jazz. Lew
that was a most excellent review Gary T.
i will join the les paul forum today and check them out.
what about the rio grande texas? reviews on HC say that they´re rather bassy in the neck.this true?
Originally Posted by LewguitarThe Jazz has less mids but more bass and high end sparkle/chime/harmonics. I find I can get a clearer chord tone with the Seth Lover because it has less bass...although I do miss the extended highs of the alnico 5 Jazz. Lew
hey lew what about the seth in relation to the a2pro´s?
what diferences tone wise?i want the one with more mids
Originally Posted by madguitar26hey lew what about the seth in relation to the a2pro´s?
what diferences tone wise?i want the one with more mids
It's hard to compare the two since the Seth is covered and the A2Pro is not. My sense is that the A2Pro is brighter and that the Seth seems to have the fatter tone. But I've not tried both in the same guitar. Lew
by listening to the duncan cd again a2pro seems darker than seth.to my ears
the search continues,goodbye dimarzio virtual paf,pearly gates
helo A2pro ,rio grande texas,and seth
thanks as always lew
Some players here have described the A2Pro as having almost a single coil like clarity on top of the humbucker tone. I don't hear the Seth in my Hamer Monoco as having that type of tone: it's a fat, warm, complex tone...but not single coil like. Lew
seth is rather fat sounding in the neck position from what my ears are hearing
Should you go to the LP-Forum, go to the Tone-Zone. There is a thread there right now about the Timbuckers. I realize this is the SD Forum, and I.m new HERE. I do love SD pups and as I said have Seths in two of my guitars. But with that said I'll tell ya this. I would NEVER buy ANOTHER set of Seths. Since the Seths came out there are TO MANY BETTER sounding PAF style, non-waxed, non-potted pups out there now. The Timbuckers are a PERFECT example. Check them out! Let YOUR EARS DECIDE!
Gary i cant seem to register at the les paul forum the page loads into error constantly.
if you could put a link for all of us to these sound clips i would be most thankfull.
I've never tried a Seth but I have a CC/A2 Pro combo in one guitar and a JB/Jazz combo in another. While I really like the Jazz, I'd have to say I like the A2 Pro a bit more for the neck position. Just a sweet, articulate, smooth, bluesy pick up. Awesome.
- May 17 Tue 2011 21:05
jazz to A2pro