stupid question... but the Klusons on my Paul rattle. Is there any way to stop this short of new tuners? Anything specific the cause of it? (the klusons on my jag never rattled...)
I've never seen Klusons that didn't have some sort of play in them, some of which contributed to a rattle, some that didn't. They've never impressed me as being a real high dollar tuner.
Nope. The bad design is such that you can't tighten them. I still like Klusons, tho, mostly because they allow a neck to resonate far better than highmass tuners like Sperzels.
Before you go and make the mistake of fitting your guitar with another type of tuner, go shopping SPECIFICALLY for Kluson style Schaller tuners. They look and fit exactly like the stock ones, but their travel is nice and snug, and I think they have a better tuning ratio. I have those on my Goldtop, after encountering the same thing you're talking about. Problem solved, and there's no difference in the look of the guitar, and no devaluing holes or indentations left by using a modern style tuner.
Thanks... the tuners seem to keep the guitar in tune fine, and plugged in it's inaudible, but annoying if I'm playing unplugged. I like the lower weight of klusons, so if I replace them I'll get the schallers (as well as for the reasons listed
What size on a les paul? 3/8 or 10mm?
Stewmac has some Grovers and some Gotohs, but no Schallers. Where do you find Schallers?
All Parts has these Schallers.
from : localhost/
- May 17 Tue 2011 21:05
Rattling klusons!!!