Hey dudes. I have a recording setup at home that is not working out very well for recording electric guitars. I have been trying to mic up my cab using a new SM57 going into a Behringer UB1202 Mixer, then into an M-Audio Audiophile Soundcard, then into Mackie Tracktion software. The problem is that everything I record has this nasty fuzzy noise that is not coming from my amp or anything in the room. You can hear the noise in this clip:
from : localhost/carefully, and you'll hear a static-type noise riding on top of every note I play.
I've tried the following:
1) Using different guitars and amps.
2) Using different gain levels on the mic preamp of the mixer.
3) Setting the mic at different distances/angles from the cabinet.
4) Sending varying amounts of output from the mixer to the soundcard.
5) Playing with the levels of the recorded sound in Mackie Tracktion.
No matter what I do, I can't get rid of the noise, and I can't figure out what's causing it. The mic also seems to lack a little bit of high end response. This is driving me crazy! Somebody help me before I take a nosedive onto the sidewalk!!
I really, REALLY doubt its the mic dude. Well I can tell you that your behringer mixer doesn't have the best mic pre's. Sounds like this could be the problem. Bad mic pre's will suck the life out of any sound. Bad mic pre's also get noisy as you increase gain.
I just spoke to a friend about it, and I realized that the only time I've ever recorded guitars with this mic and not gotten that gross staticy noise was in a more empty room with the amp off the floor. I think what might be causing this is a flimsy stand and the amp being on the floor. Lots of vibration.
And yes, I know it's a behringer, but I record acoustic guitars and vocals with the same mixer and a large diaphragm condensor with no problems with weird noises.
It is possible that it could be your room surroundings, in that case.
I'll lug the amp out to the garage tomorrow and see what happens. I've had great results micing amps with a large diaphragm condensor in the garage.
How hot are you recording? How much headroom is there? Are you peaking at -15dBfs, -3dBfs or -30dBfs...
Like...where's the level at? Are you in or near the red or back down a ways? Putting the Behringer aside...it could be some kind of digital artifect. And get that amp off the floor regardless!!!! It'll sound a LOT better without the reflections blasting into the microphone!
I experimented with various levels, from really quiet to very loud. As long as the amp was turned up loud, I got the noise. I think it is either something wrong with the microphone or I'm getting too much vibration because the amp is on the floor beside the mic stand. I'll try and see what happens with the amp off the floor tomorrow. If I hold the mic in front of me and say something into it, the noise doesn't happen, and if I put my head beside the speaker and listen very carefully, the noise isn't there. If it's not the mic picking up too much vibration from the amp, I have no idea what it is.
I've never had a problem yet with recording on the floor... I'll check the clip out tonight and see what i reckons going on lol!
...you could just eq that out- I mean, I can barely even hear it as it is.
I didn't get the chance to listen to the clip right now, but are you sure you don't have your monitor on when you record? Or other similar electronic devices?
haha, you guys aren't going to believe this. I tried a new set of studio monitors today and that noise is gone! I think the monitors I was using before were reacting in a weird way. I couldn't hear the noise coming from music off CDs or mp3s (presumably because that stuff is mastered and doesn't peak as much). Regardless, you probably aren't going to hear the noise I was talking about in this clip because I don't think it's actually there!
had a listen, not much to hear! you could just eq some of the real high freq out.
i'll probably still take the amp off the floor and get a less flimsy mic stand. Now that i'm not hearing fuzz I'll probably be able to focus more on getting good tones.
- May 17 Tue 2011 21:05
SM57 Problem! Help!