
For the past few days I've been playing both of my Paulas non-stop. A/B ing them, seeing how they are similar, how they differ, how one is better than the other. Both are awesome instruments. I'd be happy with either as my only guitar.

HOWEVER..if it came to that decision..picking ONE of my axes to keep, neither Paula would make it...

This would:I picked her up tonight for the first time in a few days, and she's just like an old friend...the kind ya sometimes neglect but know they always will be there for they may not the best looking or the quot;coolestquot;, but its the friend that has it where it counts. That Firebird studio.. half the price of any of the Les Pauls I've owned since I got her.... just flat outplays and out quot;groovesquot; everything else I try. Couldnt tell ya why...All I know is its one of those ya shouldnt ever get rid of (and someone remind me of that the next time I get GAS and consider selling her). it doesnt have the low end or sustain of a Paula or the looks..but dang I like it better despite all that..when i'm in a playing slump, she gets me out of it...and when I'm takes me over the top. If I knew the person who built it at Gibson, I'd send that person some kind of friggin Thank You card...or maybe a nice fruitcake

Rockin axe.

Glad you realized it man! It's a beautiful bird for sure!!!


Originally Posted by JeffBor maybe a nice fruitcake

Fruit good, Cake Great! Fruitecake nasty peice of crap- Jim Gaffigan

****, now I want one. That woudl look killer in a metal band.

Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3****, now I want one. That woudl look killer in a metal band.Yes... No ****...

White with a black pickguard and all chrome hardware, dual EMG 85's... *starts mumbling off while drooling*

nice man, power to the studios!!!

I love your Firebird. I dig unique, tasteful guitars, and yours fits the bill perfectly.

Let the sheep have their Strats and Pauls - your guitar is way cooler!

I remember when you offered it for sale......good thing you came to your senses! I've always wanted a Firebird, but those pickups aren't really my thing, so I'm glad they offered it with humbuckers finally, and changed it up a bit. I'd probably get the same one you have, but the black one is dead sexy too. I think that's Dave Grohl's main guitar now too, but who cares.....he's a drummer! LOL

Congratulations Jeff.

There is nothing more beautiful than the love between a man and his guitar.

I know what you mean, Jeff. If I had to keep one, I know it would be my homemade over all the others.

Your Firebird is sweet, as if I haven't said so before. They are very unique.

Thanks everyone for the comments

I guess I posted it to say..if ya HAVE an axe like my Firebird in your collection (personality-wise)...don't ever let GAS get the better of ya! I put a new set of strings on her, conditioned the board and she's just a nasty rock and blues machine thats a ball to play. I'm really AFRAID to do anything to it ...I've got a 57 classic nickel for the neck, and 57 classic plus nickel for the bridge sittin at home, but I just don't want anyone messin' with her

And DSS, yup, she'll chugga chugga...basically it's an Explorer with just a bit less mass. More beefy than a SG or V. I find myself playing alot of Maiden on this guitar and throwing out some MOP-era Metallica on occasion

Shes gotta go to the top of my sig..see I even neglect her that way too! second fiddle my @$$

That's awesome man. I did the same thing with my strat. I was ready to put her up for sale, but then I sat down and played it for a while and decided against selling it. I love the feel of it. Maybe it's just your standard American strat, but it stood out to me amongst the 5 or 6 I played that were all just like it. Yay for good guitars.

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