
I'm considering letting go of this speaker cab. I used to have a Zinky MOFO head, but sold it and I don't use the cab for anything. Would anyone be interested in buying it? It is in great used shape, works perfectly, and the sound just kills. I can provide pics if someone is interested. I am thinking $250 shipping is a fair price. For what it's worth, you can check out reviews at Harmony Central and read about the cab on the Zinky site:

from : localhost/
from : localhost/

what speakers are in the cab

Stock Zinky speakers, made by Eminence.

Is this a 150 watt 2X12quot; cabnet?

Originally Posted by KacIs this a 150 watt 2X12quot; cabnet?

A better question is: Can it be powered by 40 watts of tube power?


I'm not sure of the wattage rating. I used it with my 50w Zinky head, 75 Randall (which is supposed to go to 100w with the addition of a cab), and my Peavey Classic 30, all with great results. I believe the speakers are both 80w, if that helps.

Wait, what ohms are each of the speakers rated at? if they are 16 ohm speakers, the cab should run at 8 ohms. If they are 8 ohm speakers, the cab should run at 4 ohms. If they are wired in series, the speakers would have to be 32 ohm speakers to get a 16 ohm 2x12. I've never seen a 32 ohm speaker in my life, hence the confusion.

16 ohm cab. Two 8 ohms in series.
from : localhost/ wiring-1.htm

aww shnaps I want that, can you possibly post a pic?
or send one to


Sure, I'll snap some pics and send them when I get home tonight.

Sent the pics to your email.

Originally Posted by NT02Sent the pics to your email.

I like those pics, any interest in trading for a 7-string jackson?
If there is interest we'll talk....


Nope. Got enough gear.

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