
I just got my new Fender Hot Rod Deluxe home and that baby is nice
Along with it I bought a Pro Co Rat distortion pedal, and oh man, it's really nice ...
Vintage bluesy stuff to hard rock, this thing has got it going on!

Got rid of the Dime Distortion... it wasn't working out with the HRD too well, oh well. I'm happy.

Rock On

Sounds nasty.

how much was the pro co rat?

KILLER...I LOVE my Rat, I use it into a Fender Twin, and it's great!

I had a Rat, and hated it. It clipped, really bad, and not in a good way. I always figured it was broken, until I tried another one and it did the same thing.

I'm not experiencing any clipping... JB, what version of the RAT did you have?

and I love this thing If the family would let me I could stay down there and play all night.

I remember the pedal was on sale, but I got it for as an even trade for my MXR Dime Distortion Pedal which I only bought like a couple weeks ago... so it was a good deal to me.

Rock On

I had this one from : localhost/

Originally Posted by JB_From_HellI had this one from : localhost/there's a difference anyway, you had the RAT2, I have the vintage version.
Vintage Rat

Kac...remove the battery cover and read the number on the 8 pin can be seen through the battery hole.

Originally Posted by KacWell.... there's a difference anyway, you had the RAT2, I have the vintage version.
Vintage Rat have a quot;Vintage Ratquot;...there are a few different ones. What is the number on that chip?

OPO7DP.... Is that what you wanted?

Originally Posted by KacOPO7DP.... Is that what you wanted?Those arew a tad but more harsh, what I mean is that they have a slightly more hard edge to the clip...that might be what JBFH didn't like about it...

Originally Posted by the guy who invented fireThose arew a tad but more harsh, what I mean is that they have a slightly more hard edge to the clip...that might be what JBFH didn't like about it...

I see, interested.... Either way, I'm diggin' it.

Rock On

Originally Posted by the guy who invented fire...that might be what JBFH didn't like about it...

Mine was a Rat2. Imagine you have a really cheap compressor with all the controls maxed out. Now think of what it would sound like if you hit a heavy guage low E really hard through said compressor. You know how it gets really quiet, then kind of fades back into being loud? That's what both of them did.

Originally Posted by JB_From_HellMine was a Rat2. Imagine you have a really cheap compressor with all the controls maxed out. Now think of what it would sound like if you hit a heavy guage low E really hard through said compressor. You know how it gets really quiet, then kind of fades back into being loud? That's what both of them did.mine is a Rat 2 as well...but there are 2 different chips that came in the Rat 2's...mine has the older one!

That sounds like a broken pedal, right? The second one did the exact same thing! Any ideas why?

BTW, Kac, I'm glad you like yours

i heard some sound clips froms they site and they sound awesome. And they have worse gear than you. Now i wish i would've considered this before i bought the ds-1. that's what i for using harmony central...

Originally Posted by JB_From_HellThat sounds like a broken pedal, right? The second one did the exact same thing! Any ideas why?

BTW, Kac, I'm glad you like yours I don't think they sound broken...just different.

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