
I just installed one in my tele's neck position. Very smooth, articulate, warm.. with some glass. It's very humbucker-ish, similar to the full sized humbucker, sorta like a jazz.
It does not sound as complex as the jazz in my Les Paul neck, but it's a very nice pickup and a great solution for humbucker tone when you don't want to route.
This is a strat sized pickup in a tele neck position

Gotta love the cool rails at the neck, always a great choice

I have had a few of the single coil sized humbuckers in the bridges of strats and teles, but after hearing this pickup, I think that the full-sized neck humbucker tone is a little easier to reproduce in this smaller size.

Yep, because it´s naturally quot;warmerquot; closer to the neck... but I also really like the way it still retains some of the quot;snapquot; and quot;chimequot; of a good single coil....

The Cool Rails, (any position), is one of my favorite SD pups. Truly has its own unique sound. That probably sounds odd since I just traded all three of mine. But thats only because I'm still on a tone-discovery quest. (On a budget.)

The Vintage Rails is cool too.


and I so thank you from the neck position of my heart that you did artie
I loved the way it sounded in all the clips I found....I cant wait to try it for myself.

I put a Cool Rail in a pickguard assembly that I have for my green strat. It's a HSH configuration with a PG bridge, Cool Rail middle, and Jazz neck. The Cool rail is as loud as the humbuckers. It works real well with this set-up.

Originally Posted by groupiegirland I so thank you from the neck position of my heart that you did artie
I loved the way it sounded in all the clips I found....I cant wait to try it for myself.

I think you're going to like it. I've been wanting to try three Vintage Rails also, or in this case, two VR's and a Duck. (Same thing, really.) Also, I'm curious to see how splitting the bridge and neck VR's sound. That is, the three lower strings of the bridge, with the high strings of the neck. Could be cool.

Thats why I had to trade off the CR's. Someday . . . they'll be back.


I found my Thread

After being crazy about Tele Neck, I ve been thinking to combine my Jb Jr (modified to fit in a tele) with a single size Strat Humbucker.

And The choice is Cool Rails as it has Rails and i wont have a problem with the poles. I tired to put a normal strat neck pickup but unfortunately the pole pieces dont fit with the strings.Now i have 3 quesitons,

1-Which would fit better with Cool Rails, Jb Jr or Hot Rails ? As i have a Hot Rails strat bridge pickup also and its easy for me to modify it for my tele. I am justing asking it because of the output. I have already a modified Jb Jr and it screams

2- Can i just use a 5 way Megaswitch with 2 single sized Humbucker in my TELE and having splitted tones and more variables?

3- I use 500k Pots in my Tele, But i heard that 250K Volume- 500K Tone combination is very popular, What it changes actually? I wasnt knowing that the pot value of the Tone pot could change the overall tone ?!?!

Anyone who can help me?..

Originally Posted by ArtieTooI think you're going to like it. I've been wanting to try three Vintage Rails also, or in this case, two VR's and a Duck. (Same thing, really.) Also, I'm curious to see how splitting the bridge and neck VR's sound. That is, the three lower strings of the bridge, with the high strings of the neck. Could be cool.

Thats why I had to trade off the CR's. Someday . . . they'll be back.

ArtieI have 2 ducks and 1 vintage rails.. Ducks are neck and middle Vintage Rail is bridge. They are very nice pickups but with very low outputs. Mines are older version with 2 connection cables but they dont have any hum. VR is some thicker than Duck. True strat single coil sound without hum

Your idea is very interesting about splitting, Then i think you could only use them splitted when both of two are working. Splitting one of them alone would cut either first or last three strings outputs. But if you buy them new i think now you can wire them in series and split them in a normal way..

Sounds Cool !

Yeah, thats what I'm hoping to do. I want to flip a switch, and have positions #2, #3, and #4 become N/M split, N/B split, and M/B split. Unfortunately, they're all older pups so I'll have to convert them to 4-wire myself. Not a big deal.


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