
wasn't sure weather to put this in here or pick up thread so....ive played a schecter omen 6 and it sound real nice and fits me well, and thinking about making my next purchase. i played it trough a randall at gc and at home id play it through a fender frontman 25r but then im gonna purchase a marshall not sure what one on to the question. i hear a lot of people say that schecters are nice but really good if you do a pick up swap. so i was curious what your opinion were if stock pups are good or if it would be better to do a swap and if so what types, im into the metal rock and some classic stuff. i don't want to go waste money on pups then find out the stocks are better so any suggestion are appreciated.

The Schecter pups are probably pretty decent, but Im' quite sure you'd hear a favorable diference with the Duncans.
As for what pups to choose; for your style I'd go with a JB in the bridge and a JAZZ or 59 in the neck.The JB is a good all-round pup.

Some Schecters (like the BLackjacks) come with 'real' duncans (JB, 59) but most have Dunc Designed. I've played a bunch of those, as well as other Made in Korea axes (Deans Epis, etc) with OEM pickups and they all sound a bit lifeless. I don't know what the magic is but the aftermarket, USA-made pickup brings a guitar to life. The second thing to do is a professional fret dress. A MAJOR improvement in playability. Ahh, no buzzing frets amp; frets polished up....bends are like they're oiled.

Of course the amp makes a big difference...playing through a Frontman 25 you may not notice the difference...unless you play clean. PLay through something with a good gain structure, and you'll notice.

thanks for the tips cause this is gonna be my last purchase of a guitar for awhile...i need to get an amp and some other stuff as well. so its nice to hear thats its a good priced guitar that i like that can be made into and even greater guitar

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