Hey everyone, please recommend a killer pickup for heavy music for the bridge position of a fixed bridge basswood guitar...must be articulate for chunky riffage with excellent lead charactoristics.........thanks!
Well...... you have pretty many SD pickups that would work well.
Custom = Has a nice big, tigth bass and agressive treble
Invader = Very huge, quot;broadquot; fat sound, but with less treble
Distortion = Very chrunchy, tigth bass and lots of treble
You should wait for others opinion to chime in though
I use a Super Distortion in a basswood Strat, and it does an excellent job on both the rhythm and lead duties.
you should also look into the C5(since, basswood has a lot of middles) and a duncan distortion.. as erlend say, ALSO, DIMEBUCKER.
Dimebucker or Custom would be my choice, in that order
i used to have a duncan distortion in my old basswood body'd bc rich, and god it sounded HORRIBLE... i hate basswood now, and always will because of that.
I now use only mahogany/agathis/alder, but when i had a duncan distortion in my basswood bc rich V guitar, it gave off alot of hiss/static, at first you couldnt notice it, but after listening to some recordings for about 3 minutes it started to hurt your ears a little...
but yet never have this problem with mahogany, same gear other then the guitar.
But the duncan distortion has alot of treble in it, so maybe if you get a pickup with less treble it wont do that. Id try the invader, lamb of god uses it from what i hear....
Invader pickup has alot of lows, good amount of mids and low treble, it also has just a tiny bit more output then the duncan distortion. I think this would be a great choice.
why do they call it basswood tho, mahogany gives off more bass with a duncan distortion in it ;P they should call it treblewood .. anyways INVADER ALL THE WAY! ( its the SH-8 )
Originally Posted by Gugnir. . . but when i had a duncan distortion in my basswood bc rich V guitar, it gave off alot of hiss/static, at first you couldnt notice it, but after listening to some recordings for about 3 minutes it started to hurt your ears a little...
Just for the record, no combination of wood/pickup is going to cause static or hiss.
That would be a wiring problem.
How much gain does your amp have?
If it's a modern high gain amp i'd recommend a 59 neck pickup(I'm serious!!!) in the bridge.
It sounds screaming evil in basswood.
If you want more midrange, they won't be out for a couple months, but will have some fantastic sounding actives out(they don't really sound like actives just boosted lower output pickups).
Originally Posted by ArtieTooJust for the record, no combination of wood/pickup is going to cause static or hiss.
That would be a wiring problem. the hiss/static is and always will be there, the wood just helps either point it out, or absorb it....... its just the higher frequencys coming from the string vibration.
basswood is used in all of the cheaper guitars because it sucks, it lets the pickups pickup all of the unwanted frequencies, whereas mahogany basically absorbs them.
A guitars wood is the equivalent of a rooms acoustics... put foam on the walls and you got a mahogany body, keep the room empty and bare plaster walls, and there you got basswood :P (thats just metaphorically speaking)
btw im not talking about hiss or static that a noise gate would filter out, im talking about stuff you cant even hear unless you listen specifically for it.....
I would say get a CC and get the other magnets (a5,a4,a3,ceramic) and you have the entire custom series to play with im shure you would be able to find something to
your tastes then. my humble .02 cents chris
Originally Posted by Gugnirthe hiss/static is and always will be there, the wood just helps either point it out, or absorb it....... its just the higher frequencys coming from the string vibration.
basswood is used in all of the cheaper guitars because it sucks, it lets the pickups pickup all of the unwanted frequencies, whereas mahogany basically absorbs them.
A guitars wood is the equivalent of a rooms acoustics... put foam on the walls and you got a mahogany body, keep the room empty and bare plaster walls, and there you got basswood :P (thats just metaphorically speaking)
This is hilarious.
I'd recommend the Duncan Distortion for the basswood body. I have one in my ibanez rg-570 and it has great tone: crunch, tight compressed bass, great for palm muted riffs. use them with elixirs and you get more bass... i havent tried a custom but from listening to the sound clips I think it has less gain... i think others have called it quot;distortion litequot;
just 3 letters man EMG
Originally Posted by Gugnirthe hiss/static is and always will be there, the wood just helps either point it out, or absorb it....... its just the higher frequencys coming from the string vibration.
basswood is used in all of the cheaper guitars because it sucks, it lets the pickups pickup all of the unwanted frequencies, whereas mahogany basically absorbs them.
A guitars wood is the equivalent of a rooms acoustics... put foam on the walls and you got a mahogany body, keep the room empty and bare plaster walls, and there you got basswood :P (thats just metaphorically speaking)
I've never had any 'hiss/static' in my basswood RG, and to be honest i question this whole theory, anyone have any info either way?
Originally Posted by Gugnirthe hiss/static is and always will be there, the wood just helps either point it out, or absorb it....... its just the higher frequencys coming from the string vibration.
basswood is used in all of the cheaper guitars because it sucks, it lets the pickups pickup all of the unwanted frequencies, whereas mahogany basically absorbs them.
A guitars wood is the equivalent of a rooms acoustics... put foam on the walls and you got a mahogany body, keep the room empty and bare plaster walls, and there you got basswood :P (thats just metaphorically speaking)I don´t even know where to start picking this post apart, the electrical engineering side or the luthierie side...there are so many misconceptions and false truths in this single post that I´d almost need a new thread just for that
Originally Posted by Zerberus
I don´t even know where to start picking this post apart, the electrical engineering side or the luthierie side...there are so many misconceptions and false truths in this single post that I´d almost need a new thread just for that
So my suspicions were correct?
whatever, i know what i hear, i speak from experience, not from what i read in magazines or hear from friends.
i play metal, thats has lots and lots of tremolo picking, basswood sucks for that. mahogany doesnt. half of you guys prolly dont know what kind of music im talking about... you prolly think when i say metal, you think pantera...... i mean **** like gorgoroth or dark funeral
any technician or luthier can tell me im wrong, but thats not gonna change a damn thing, ive experienced what i said above... so im still going to say and believe every word of it.
Originally Posted by The New GuyHey everyone, please recommend a killer pickup for heavy music for the bridge position of a fixed bridge basswood guitar...must be articulate for chunky riffage with excellent lead charactoristics.........thanks!
UH, not to sound like a smartass but YOU JUST DESCRIBED the EMG 81
Originally Posted by WICKED LESTERUH, not to sound like a smartass but YOU JUST DESCRIBED the EMG 81
I like the 81, but I wouldn't put it in basswood.
85? yes. 81? No.
Just my opinion.
- Aug 20 Fri 2010 21:00
Metal pickup / basswood body