
-First is it possible/practical to put a 25.5 scale 24 fret fretboard on a Fender stratocaster designed for a 22 fret fretboard(i want swimming pool routing so i dont think i can get a showmaster)

-Second i heard that the neck scale/number of frets can make a diffrence. Is this true? If so, then how does a 21 fret, or a 22 fret sound diffirent from a 24 fret?

-Jeff S.

First off, number of frets doesn't affect tone but scale length does. With a longer scale length, there's more string tension. You get tighter bass and a bit of a brighter, more focused sound overall. When you increase the number of frets but keep the scale length the same, the extra frets just move closer to the bridge, usually overhanging the body. On most guitars designed for 22 frets, the 23 and 24 frets would get in the way of the neck pickup. If you cut your own strat pickguard, you can move the neck pickup back a little to make room for the extra frets.

Originally Posted by mnbaseball91First off, number of frets doesn't affect tone but scale length does. With a longer scale length, there's more string tension. You get tighter bass and a bit of a brighter, more focused sound overall. When you increase the number of frets but keep the scale length the same, the extra frets just move closer to the bridge, usually overhanging the body. On most guitars designed for 22 frets, the 23 and 24 frets would get in the way of the neck pickup. If you cut your own strat pickguard, you can move the neck pickup back a little to make room for the extra frets.

are there any pickguards for strat that are pre-cut/made for this.
if so how much do they cost?

anyone know anything about any strat pickguards that will allow me to use a 25.5quot; neck?


All strat pickguards will let you use a 25.5quot; scale neck, it's the 24 frets that will give you trouble. I'm not aware of any pre-cut guards that will let you do it, but you could have Warmoth or someone similar make you a pickguard with no neck pickup.

Originally Posted by Tux789anyone know anything about any strat pickguards that will allow me to use a 25.5quot; neck?

almost all (with few exceptions) strats are 25.5 scale.

EDIT: mnbaseball got it first.

Originally Posted by mnbaseball91All strat pickguards will let you use a 25.5quot; scale neck, it's the 24 frets that will give you trouble. I'm not aware of any pre-cut guards that will let you do it, but you could have Warmoth or someone similar make you a pickguard with no neck pickup.

-even with swimming pool routing you could not have a S/S/H set?

-what about H/H?

Less string tension on shorter scale lengths only holds water assuming the gauge stays the same

Anyway, Jeff, there are two things I see on a 24 fret stratocaster. First, the cut-away really isn’t deep enough to give you great access to the extra frets. You can get to them, but it won’t be as fluid as a Soloist or RG. Second, the neck pickup would no longer be in the “sweet spot.” I’m sure someone could make you a pickguard, but it won’t be Warmoth. My only complaint with Warmoth is that if they do not have a CNC program for it, they’ll tell you they can’t do it.

thanks guys
i guess i'll go with 22 fret

I only skimmed over the thread, so I hope I don't restate points already said. (Tux you need to shorten that sig, buddy! )

You can get a 24 fret neck from Warmoth, it sits on top of the pickguard, but as others have said it will get in the way of a neck pickup. Rather than trying to find a guard with a modified pickup arrangement, why not buy a Warmoth guard, have them cut all the holes you want except the neck pickup. Mock the guitar up, then cut the neck pickup hole yourself. An H-H would probably work nicely. However, the lack of cutaway on a Strat will make access up there difficult (as was previously posted).

So it can be done, you just need to be a little creative.

Try out a 22 fretted guitar and a 24 fretted. You'll have a clearer picture than. Make sure they are made with the same woods, pups, scale lenghts...

I think you could do this, as to why you'd want to I can't. Too much trouble for nothing as the guitar would only have a diferent sound in the neck position (it would be understandable if you liked the tone), you'd never tell with the bridge pup and it would be probably impossible to reach the frets. On the other hand, on a strat, the diference is null between 21 and 22 frets, the pup is placed in the same place regardless.

Originally Posted by LSPTry out a 22 fretted guitar and a 24 fretted. You'll have a clearer picture than. Make sure they are made with the same woods, pups, scale lenghts...

I think you could do this, as to why you'd want to I can't. Too much trouble for nothing as the guitar would only have a diferent sound in the neck position (it would be understandable if you liked the tone), you'd never tell with the bridge pup and it would be probably impossible to reach the frets. On the other hand, on a strat, the diference is null between 21 and 22 frets, the pup is placed in the same place regardless.

okay i just think i remembered someone getting a 21 fret fretboar(instead of 22) and someone else saying that the tone would be diffrent
well okay thanks

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