So recently, my Blues Jr. has been buzzing and hissing a lot. Not a hum, but just a lot of excess noise. It never did this before, and I checked the tubes and their glowing orangey and fine. What could the problem be? This is my first tube amp, so I apologize for what may be a very obvious question. Thanks in advance, guys!
buzzing and hissing is often a sign of capacitors going bad, but with tube amps, there are alot of variables that could cause noise. Just because your tubes glow a certain color doesn't mean that they are good or bad, it just means that they are getting voltage.
Originally Posted by FenderStratRock3So recently, my Blues Jr. has been buzzing and hissing a lot. Not a hum, but just a lot of excess noise. It never did this before, and I checked the tubes and their glowing orangey and fine. What could the problem be? This is my first tube amp, so I apologize for what may be a very obvious question. Thanks in advance, guys!
Turn your amp up and GENTLY tap on the preamp tubes with the eraser end of a pencil. If one of these tubes makes noise it is probably the culprit. If they are all reasonably quiet it may be the power tubes. If you have played the amp regularly and it is over a year old, I would suspect the power tubes. Good luck.......Joe
Originally Posted by bungalowbill
If you have played the amp regularly and it is over a year old, I would suspect the power tubes. Good luck.......Joe
That's the thing. I've only had it since the late winter. It isn't very old (I bought it new right out of the box). I'll try that out, thanks!
it could be the static. Some other unwanted appliances are on within the vicinity that could've caused the buzz and hisses. Off them and see whether the buzz and hisses still remains
- May 17 Tue 2011 21:05
Tube amp question