What do you prefer?
I prefer solid State dont know why but i played a few tubes and for some reason i didnt like them at all, but if i got my hands on a Mesa my god i want to play those so bad.
I heard Dime said he didnt like tubes because they didnt have enough gain until of course his Krank amps, right?
there's plenty of amps out there with more than enough gain to get that dime sound...that sound better than Krank =)
I had solid state..then tube amps that I didn't like..then I did the modelling thing..now I'm back to tube and I couldn't be happier about it....I even have a splawn half stack on the way
a SS amp is great for low volume distortion/practice, but nothing can compare to hot glowing overdriven tubes...nothing. alot of modelers do a very good job at re-creating the sound and they've come a LONG way and they are of course WAY more affordable with less upkeep...so they have their place and if they sound good to you and you love thier tones...then search no further!
but for me...when i plug a great guitar into a great tube amp...i dunno it's just kinda majical for me.
it's all about what we can afford and what sounds the best to us in our price range...i know this all too well.
tone is a very subjective thing and i'm sure i have yet to hear my quot;perfectquot; amp, but i've come really close a few times!
I think some metal artists use ss amps because the distortion is more harsh as some like it that way.
Originally Posted by Hossa SS amp is great for low volume distortion/practice, but nothing can compare to hot glowing overdriven tubes...nothing. alot of modelers do a very good job at re-creating the sound and they've come a LONG way and they are of course WAY more affordable with less upkeep...so they have their place and if they sound good to you and you love thier tones...then search no further!
but for me...when i plug a great guitar into a great tube amp...i dunno it's just kinda majical for me.
it's all about what we can afford and what sounds the best to us in our price range...i know this all too well.
tone is a very subjective thing and i'm sure i have yet to hear my quot;perfectquot; amp, but i've come really close a few times!
I agree with Hoss and want to add that tube amps are more responsive to a players touch. If you pick hard on a ss amp it will get louder, if you do the same on a tube amp it will drive the amp harder and the tone will quot;break upquot;.
If you want a vintage type tone, go with tubes...almost all the guitar tones that people lust after were created with them.
Tone is completely subjective. Im a tube snob as being brought up with tube stereos, reel to reel anmd phongrphs( thanks
DAD!!) I own tweed fenders, siverface face fenders, marshall all tube dombos a weirdo danelectro dm25 con=mbos.) THye all sound great, Recently, i picked up a TECH21 trademark 10 prctice amp. FOr practicing in the past i have use d my champ and pod. the tech 21 isn f'ing incredible. In fctr, i have reocreded it over a tube amp in many cases. DOnt be a snob LET OYUR EARS DECIDE. You can have both and be happy
Ya i like that harsh ss sound and i find it perfectly fine when used at gig volume. At gig volume tubes sound awesome too but am i the only one that likes the solid state? haha
Hybrid with the tube in the right place, so that it saturates the rest of the amp, most hybrids DONT do this.
I like them both....the TECH21 stuff is very nice....but given the choice, I vote tubes.
There's just nothing like a set of saturated EL84s getting the life cooked out of them....LITERALLY!!!!
Tube tuba tubular... I've owned a couple SS amps and they are fine for practicing which is what I use mine for now. Crank a tube amp next to a cranked SS amp and the SS will run and cry and in the corner.
I voted for tube, they sound awesome, however I own a Line6 Spider2 for the cost and versatility for now.
Originally Posted by shreder75there's plenty of amps out there with more than enough gain to get that dime sound...that sound better than Krank =)
My krank's got as much gain as any other high-gain amp. But, if you ask me, it sounds WAYYY better than other amps in its comparable price range. But thats a moot point, its all a matter of opinion .
Then again, I dont use my krank to get quot;the dime soundquot;.
TUBES all the way.
SS for practice, tubes for annoying the neighbors, or at least letting them know there's a musician in the neighborhood.
I've never heard a descent sounding solid state, none of them have that huge overbearing roar that make you run for your life.Only solid state I liked was my vox valvetronix, and at times I like it better than my classic 50. But it's more tube sounding than solid state.
SS has never done it for me. However, I would like to get my hands on the amp my dad had when i was a wee lad. he had a really early JC120 with JBLs!!!
Tubes... I just love that natural overdrive... SS Amps with Overdrive channels just sound too synthetic
Tubes all the way for me. I have a Fender Cyber Twin SE with two tubes and the modeling tech to get a lot of my clean blues sounds, but thats about as close SS as I go. Nothing like a cranked Orange or Marshall for distortion though..
No you guys i meant that dime said that i was trying to say that his randallas USE to be higher gain b4 the krank. This is what I read, but stop you guys are making me jealous i want a tube amp i just cant buy one! ahhh would you please recommend a 500-600 price on a good tube.
- Jan 12 Mon 2009 20:49
Solid State Vs. Tube